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How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better?
  • I just don't expose myself to the 24h news cycle very much. My life is good, the life of the people around me is good, and nobody is helped by worrying about things I can't change.

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    Data leak
  • Agreed, the only argument for oil immersion cooling is, AFAIK, better energy efficiency which is of course not a real consideration for high end consumer grade hardware. A previous iteration of our national compute cluster was oil immersion cooled but the tradeoffs in maintainability etc. were not even close to sensible so the next iteration went back to regular server racks. And the iteration after that needed the floor space and finally dialed in the end of oily door handles and eerily quiet but oppressively hot server rooms.

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    Resources for moving out of state or country.
  • As you freely admit you have no money and seem to have no specific qualifications.

    Even with those boxes checked I would never ever consider moving across country without a signed employment contract at the target location. The risks seem insane and completely outsized to me. But if you're a way, way more adventurous type than me, at the very least you'd need enough savings to keep you off the streets for a few months if you are planning to start job hunting only after moving. Anything less would just be stupid.

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    Data leak
  • Could also be mineral oil wicking up the cable, there are the absolute madmen who opt for oil immersion cooling their rig

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    Why are people censoring "bad" words?
  • On at least, there's a very good reason cause the admins are authoritarians. Can't even say "bitch" without it getting removed.

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    Always wondered how they feel
  • There are plenty of people who are completely comfortable with their partners being strippers or porn stars.

    From a purely logical standpoint, given the number of strippers and porn stars out there, that statement must be true. It's not quite something I can wrap my head around though.

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    would you write web app with this?
  • As a python developer and user of websites, please no. The web is already a slow mess and my laptop is already spinning up fans on some websites that really shouldn't do anything much more complicated than load text and images from a database and display them. CPython would make it exponentially worse. At least pick a sensible performance focused implementation.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Unless you jump through a crazy number of hoops, your domain just gets blacklisted by every spam filter under the sun.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I mean, ever tried hosting your own email server in ${CURRENT_YEAR}? Might as well write those mails to a thumb drive and throw it out of the window.

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    Distros bad
  • Arch user should be an aeropress: people can't seem to shut the hell up about how great it supposedly is

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    Is it too late to date for me?
  • As you say, 25 is not old at all. As long as you keep socializing with friends and coworkers, pursue IRL hobbies ideally social ones, etc. as you mention, I don't think it matters much if it takes you 6 months or >5 years to reach your fitness goals.

    The only people I'd consider """lost cases""" I know personally are shut-ins who have long mentally parted ways with baseline humanity. An inability to have a decent conversation with people is harder to fix than being overweight and becomes more of a problem with each year of age. But you seem to be on the right track there!

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    Dream Projects! What Would You Build If You Had an AGI?
  • I'd probably ask for a much better metagenome assembler and binner. there's enough groundwork and data out there with exponentially more created each year. If an AGI could compress the 20 or so PhD student-years needed to really leverage that into something outstanding into a few hours that would be really nice.

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    I created a shitty Python script to manage multiple SSH connections because I couldnt find a decent one
  • I can (and do) just read the ~/ssh/.config file if needed, it's quite legible. In most cases however zsh autocompletion does all the heavy lifting for me (ssh ser(tab) -> ssh servername).

    Still a cool idea for a script, and if it works well for you more power to you, just saying there's more ergonomic and universally applicable solutions. (Only mentioning this since you said "I couldn't find a decent solution to this problem").
