Skip Navigation COP28: UAE planned to use climate talks to make oil deals

Leaked documents show how the COP28 host planned to use its role to strike fossil fuel business deals.

120k BMW X6 M stolen within 30 seconds with a relay attack.
  • probably yep. Also installing an aftermarket gps connected to ignition could have helped avoid this: the gps would warn the owner of the car unexpected movement but also would shutdown the car when it leaves a predetermined area set by the owner

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    120k BMW X6 M stolen within 30 seconds with a relay attack.
  • tbh i dont know whats the fascination behind keyless: Wouldn't have cost much for BMW to hire a hacker and patch this vulnerability, but its BMW! (and the car makers who support such tech)

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    This model doesn't exist, but he earns up to €10,000 per month thanks to AI
  • free market baby!

    also models will soon unionize and demand their work to be considered as 'intellectual property', and Ai models would be accused of IP theft smh

    i am on the tech bro side on this one ..

  • Ce mannequin n'existe pas, mais il gagne jusqu'à 10 000 € par mois grâce à l'IA

    Une influenceuse créée par l'IA compte plus de 120 000 abonnés sur Instagram. Elle génère jusqu'à 10 000 € par mois grâce à ses différents comptes et ses partenariats, comme une personne réelle. Un véritable succès qui a de quoi inquiéter les véritables influenceurs, dont l'activité pourrait être me...

    Artificial intelligence is shaking up practices in all sectors . It is used as well in video games, as CD Projekt proved by recreating the voice of a deceased voice actor for Cyberpunk 2077 , as in the automobile or medical industry.

    Influencers also want to jump on the AI ​​bandwagon. A Spanish agency created an influencer using artificial intelligence. She has more than 120,000 followers on Instagram, which clearly didn't ask her to take a selfie to check if she was human. Aitana Lopez generates thousands of euros per month. An Instagram influencer with 120,000 subscribers brings in thousands of euros per month

    The Clueless, a Spanish influencer agency, can rub its hands in view of the great success of its influencer created with AI. Aitana Lopez, who has had her own Instagram account since June, has 124,000 subscribers on Instagram. She has just over 6,000 followers on X and 2,000 on TikTok.

    Aitana Lopez could bring in up to €10,000 per month with an average monthly income of around €3,000 according to Rubén Cruz, founder of The Clueless agency. To generate so much money, the AI ​​can count on its partnership with Big, of which it has become the muse, and its undressed photos published on Fanvue, an equivalent of OnlyFans.

    No matter the occasion, the 'little black dress' never fails! 🖤 ​​This photo is not from today, but she wanted to share it with you 💋 What do you think? 😌 #HappyFriday — Fitness_Aitana (@Fitness_Aitana) November 17, 2023

    The Clueless goes so far as to lend her own personality to Aitana , described as " a strong and determined woman, independent in her actions and generous in her desire to help others ". For those unfamiliar with AI or who don't look closely at Aitana's photos, it's hard to notice that she's not a human.

    It must be said that design experts do everything to make it appear larger than life, particularly by integrating it into real environments. The company's other model, active for about two months, Maia Lima , is entitled to the same care. At the moment, she has 4,500 subscribers on Instagram.

    The influencer agency began considering creating influencers “ so they don’t have to depend on other people who have egos, quirks, or are just looking to make a lot of money posing .” The Clueless also offers brands the opportunity to create their own AI model with a unique face and personality , like Aitana Lopez. This is enough to scare real influencers…


    A Relay attack is a form of keyless car theft. Criminals bypass keyless entry security by extending the signal of the car key inside the house.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • thats because we dont have those threads were anyone would elaborate on the upper comment with a stupid reply, and that reply gets replied to with another slightly different but also stupid we get actual comments and replies..wanna learn alphabet ? go to kindegarten .. it helps to have a mature and respectful userbase, which also wouldn't require much effort to moderate. sometimes it costs nothing to be nice .. in the long run we needed access to a social platform afterall, might as well stand by our values and preserve it

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    Taylor Swift postpones Rio concert after fan dies amid heatwave
  • better fund energy transition and you'r welcome touring how much u want, but just dont act like a hypocrite and show false solidarity. but americans are in a whole realm of its own. sometimes i wonder to myself that americans deserve their lot sometime, also while fucking up the rest of the world in the process

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    Taylor Swift postpones Rio concert after fan dies amid heatwave
  • nice that someone would share similar opinion. although i dont mind being downvoted, as long as someone would justify their opinion reasonably as to why they would think otherwise. i am open for debates really (when time allows ofc)..but just leaving a random downvote is not really convincing..

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    Taylor Swift postpones Rio concert after fan dies amid heatwave
  • exactly. but oil is heavily subsidized and costs money to extract and refine, and mass produced enough to be affordable, making concert tours cost nothing, but it causes a big damage otherwise. how about make half the number of tours ? that would be a good start. or make an onlyfan equivalent, for singers ? sound idea if u ask me

  • Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again

    The Berkeley Property Owners Association's fall mixer is called "Celebrating the End of the Eviction Moratorium."


    0 Valérie s’est mariée avec… elle-même : la tentation de la sologamie

    Persuadée qu’elle ne serait jamais mieux aimée que par elle-même, il y a quatre mois, Valérie a organisé son « monomariage ». Un peu pour la blague et beaucoup par désir d’indépendance, elle s’est dit « oui », pour le meilleur et pour le pire.

    0 Pour favoriser la mixité sociale, Elisabeth Borne demande aux préfets de ne plus attribuer de logements dans les quartiers prioritaires aux plus précaires

    « Toutes les difficultés ne peuvent pas être rassemblées au même endroit », s’est justifiée la cheffe du gouvernement. Celle-ci a également annoncé la mise en place d’opérations de testing et l’extension des cités éducatives.

    0 Pénuries de médicaments : pourquoi la France pourrait de nouveau connaître des problèmes d'approvisionnement cet hiver

    Les tensions sur le marché mondial des médicaments n'ont pas disparu. Pour y faire face, le gouvernement et l'Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament ont pris plusieurs décisions, mais les pharmaciens restent inquiets.
