Lemmings living in red states, how’re you doing?
Lemmings living in red states, how’re you doing?
Lemmings living in red states, how’re you doing?
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Married het cis male. Wife is absolutely bent out of shape due to our states bull shit abortion ban and with Trump being in office again. We had been talking about a second kiddo... But she told me that she wanted me to get a vasectomy Monday morning at 8am. She's not leaving her life in the hands of old dudes.
So.. I'm going to schedule it for inauguration day .
Other than that.. okay. Tho.. I did buy another carry gun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: voted Dem all the way down ballot.
voted Dem all the way down ballot.
As if you even need to say this when you began with proper use of cis and het
Haha that's fair
Contrarian take: being so ostentatious in the "proper" use of such terms is one reason that Democrats just lost and that the rest of us outside America will now have to suck up yet more of Trump.
As if people stopped saying cis het would somehow reduce bigotry.
It is impenetrable jargon. Inadvertently or otherwise, it is being used by the enlightened few as a stick with which to beat the (supposed) ignorant bigoted masses. A lot of people find this deeply annoying and objectionable. Addendum: To be clear, that includes me and I am not "cis het".
It is impenetrable jargon
Lol, what are you, illiterate?
Cisgender and heterosexual are really simple to understand, basically every American learns the second term in science class for fucks sake
And with TRANSgender rights in the media for 10 years now only an idiot wouldn't be able to at least make a good guess on what CISgender might mean
Maybe what they are trying to say is that most everyday folks don't use those terms in any normal conversation. I've never used those terms myself and haven't heard them in any conversation I can recall outside of the Internet.
Maybe what they are trying to say is that most everyday folks don't use those terms in any normal conversation
Then say that and not that they're "impenetrable jargon", because saying what they said makes you come across as so stupid it's unbelievable and wraps around to "too obvious"
I've never used those terms myself and haven't heard them in any conversation I can recall outside of the Internet.
Yeah, because they're not actually all that relevant to normal life, but online it's far easier and simpler to put them out there so people can properly address you in the anonymous internet. Also being put into games and shit for representation, which is likely included in what the person was whinging about
If you tell Americans outside cosmopolitan cities they must declare themselves publicly as "cis het" or else they're a bigot (I caricature but only slightly), then you should expect to lose elections.
And American elections tend to affect other people in the world. That's why lots of us wish you would let up a bit on this nonsense.
If you tell Americans outside cosmopolitan cities they must declare themselves publicly as "cis het" or else they're a bigot
Nothing even close to that is happening and you'd have to be willfully ignorant to pretend otherwise
With all due respect, I live in the Midwest and run with some rather blue-collar people in a completely blue, large city.
Everyone feels as though the Democrats have stopped listening to them and have been yelling at them for the last 10 years.
And just the mere fact that you are probably going to have the knee jerk reaction and call me an ignorant bigot is part of the problem.
Everyone feels as though the Democrats have stopped listening to them and have been yelling at them for the last 10 years.
Feel all they want, its not true not is what was being discussed actually even happening, but go off
And just the mere fact that you are probably going to have the knee jerk reaction and call me an ignorant bigot is part of the problem.
Pre-defending yourself just shows you know you're full of it
There you go not listening again, even to the point of saying what people are experiencing isn't happening.
So let's say it's not happening. Why do so many people feel that way?
In polls and focus groups, the voters themselves say otherwise.
Idiots thinking that because influencers tell them to feel that way =/= it happening, because it's not
People are choosing to use those terms and spots for them are being added to things, this isn't the same as "use them or you're a bigot" at all and you know it
IIRC a quarter of the Republican ad spending was on that single ad, "The Democrats are for 'they/them', Trump is for YOU". It was that effective.
I don't care much who is right morally. America's culture wars are almost an irrelevance to me as a foreigner. I care because it's skewing American elections. Trump is about to pull out of the climate accord and it will be partly because of this. That is just a crazy situation. You guys need to turn down the temperature. On the Democrat side that means less moralizing and hectoring because it is very visibly driving the other side crazy. It's not worth it.
So long as it isn’t attempting to refurbish words that are still in common use and already have common meanings, I usually have no issue with new-speak. Unnecessary abbreviations are taxing, though cis and het have become ubiquitous enough that I can almost forgive it.
Agreed. Much better to introduce new jargon than to insidiously repurpose existing language. This is the point Orwell made.
But it's jargon nonetheless. It's exclusionary by definition.
I dunno. Online, it feels less like jargon and more like an attempt at avoiding any snark. Irl, I occasionally hear “cis” but most people say “straight” or rather than “het.” Just another synonym to memorize for me
You seem like a likeable person who's trying to the do the right thing.
Personally, I would prefer a world where people did not feel obliged by social pressure to announce such details about the minutiae of their private lives. I would prefer that individuals saw themselves first and foremost as individuals and not as representatives of this or that group of (supposed) oppressor or (supposed) victim. This whole situation looks to me transparently like the result of overreach by an advocacy class that needed to find a problem that it could solve. IMO most people are not, and never have been, bigots. They're usually nice folks trying to do the right thing, like you. And it feels to me like they are being manipulated.
Most people want to, for lack of a better word, fuck other people. In offering details, they create a greater chance of maintaining the ability to do so. This is particularly relevant for trans folks, who have a smaller pool of partners to pull from. For comparison, see the practices of gay folks, particularly in the 50s when gay clubs were basically outlawed. It was incredibly difficult to find other gay people in a society that ostracized them and prevented their congregation, so gay relationships were rare. It’s perfectly natural to want to find companionship, or solitude if that’s your thing, so people spread the word about themselves to broaden their chances.
Phrased another way, there’s a reason it’s the third tier of maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Finding your place of belonging isn’t an identical process. Sometimes it’s taxing for not only yourself, but others as well. Personally, I wish I had the level of confidence of my trans friends are forced to maintain.
That's an interesting take. Declaring one's pronouns as a way to announce one's presence (or not) in a dating pool. Okay, but personally I doubt that's the main driver. After all, in the internet era, finding one's tribe is as easy as two taps on a screen. Gay guys can now have as much sex as they want without any third party even knowing, as you must be aware. I certainly am, indeed I speak from experience. So this phenomenon of needing to wear jargon and pronouns on one's sleeve, I think it has other causes, mainly.
Is that you, Sam Harris?
"Ostentatious"? Must be a Democrat.
Ah man, I should buy a gun.
Go far enough left... You get your guns back.
Liberal gun owners sub on reddit used to be decent.
I've never been against self defense personally, but never felt I needed one previously.
Crossbows come equipped with Hollywood style "silencers."
Apparently there’s a thing called “linear compensators” which are essentially almost as effective as silencers (when used with subsonic ammo), but don’t require a tax stamp? Someone with more firearms knowledge than I can surely share more details on that. But I came across the things recently and found it rather curious.
Literally just bought a gun safe. Plan on getting a shotgun in the next month for black Friday. Gotta protect yourself.
I've been eyeing a DP12. Probably complete overkill but at the same time, if someone comes knocking down my door then I want to be able to erase them with extreme prejudice if I have to.
Do not buy that thing. It's utter junk. If you are wanting a home defense rifle build an AR pistol.
Aside from being a bullpup and the clumsiness of trying to load two independent tube mags, what's wrong with it? I'm not expecting to storm a fortified position; I'm only expecting to use it for self-defense and I highly doubt I'd need to go through both mags in such a situation (if so then I'd probably be fucked either way) so reloading shouldn't be a problem. Bullpup is bullpup shrug. The other option is some form of semi-auto shotgun like a Saiga-12 that I can buy a drum mag for.
I'm not really interested in a rifle or pistol. Not really interested in something that can penetrate multiple walls and potentially end up in my neighbor's neighbor's wall. If I end up actually getting organized with a group then that'd change, but my modus operandi right now is to put my head down until I'm in a more secure environment; which means basically a shotgun because that seems like the ideal self-defense weapon for a home environment.
These types of shotguns are jamfests, which is the last thing you want in a life or death situation.
Over penetration is going to happen no matter what you're shooting, drywall won't stop shit.
The reason I suggested an AR is you're going to have better target acquisition and the odds of actually hitting someone are greater than if you have a handgun or a huge shotgun.
As always, practice practice practice.
Alright, thanks for the info.
So… I’m going to schedule it for inauguration day .
Go get it Monday if you aren't opposed to it. No reason to wait and risk pregnancy being a couple weeks along on inauguration day.