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antitrust lawsuit filed against Elsevier, Springer Nature, Taylor and Francis, Sage, Wiley, and Wolters Kluwer, for conspiring to appropriate billions that should have funded scientific research
  • They're scientists, not programmers. They may do programming as part of their job, but that's generally not what they're interested in. In other words, you (or someone else) will have to make it for them because it's unlikely they'll do it themselves unless shit gets really bad.

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    Tetris Vibes
  • Holy shit this is breaking my eyes. I literally can't see it unless I tilt my phone to the side, what the fuck? I can't see the building unless I rotate it, otherwise it's just colored lines.

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    An incredible shift in the weather has turned the Sahara green
  • How insane would it be if climate change pushed everyone back into Africa? That Africa ended up being the only remaining easily hospitable continent on the earth. From Africa we were born, and in Africa we will die.

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • Fyi, from what I've read anarchists reject the cookbook and interpret it as being pro-government while also having inaccurate and dangerous recipes. There are better resources for the latter (including official military handbooks), while the former encourages people to roll over and take whatever abuse they're handed.

    When it comes to punching Nazis, would I actually do it IRL? I'm not sure. It'd probably depend on whether I'm in a "fuck it, we ball" kinda mood or not. If I am, then I'm absolutely going to try and wreck the Nazi to the best of my ability. They might not get back up. If not, then I'd probably just roll my eyes, lose a little more faith in humanity, and keep going.

    What you need to realize is that the Nazi would absolutely do the same to you, possibly worse, if given the chance; and people are too busy to research every single person they come across and are too desensitized to respond to "he's literally a Nazi" (America's right wing did a great job of painting "Nazi" as being meaningless in a modern context). That makes it very easy for them to lie to the general population about their goals.

    Look at how far Trump and Vance have gotten. They literally support Nazis and Klansmen (Ku Klux Klan), yet people seemed to actually believe that Biden was as bad as Trump. It wasn't until Trump started talking about Hatians eating pets at a national debate that people stopped and were like, "damn, what the fuck?"

    What if he hadn't though? What if he'd managed to keep his cool and pretend to be normal? The thing that scares me is that I think he might still have a chance, simply because I think the recent debate may have inspired false confidence in Democrats.

    Nazis, Klansmen, bigoted institutions in general, will take a mile if you give them an inch, and proceed to wrap it around your neck and hang you from a tree with it; and they're very good at getting what they want because they'll literally eat shit if they believe it'll help them win. They believe utopia is achieved through oppression and mass murder; wouldn't you do anything you can to achieve utopia if you think it's in arms reach, especially when the path is obvious thanks to the efforts of prior fascists?

    That's why you punch Nazis. That's why people say that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. A Nazi's idea of utopia is forged with blood and torment; and they're willing to do anything to make it a reality.

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    Biology rule
  • I sometimes hear furries mess up and refer to women as "female humans" or something along those lines, but that's mainly because furries usually think in "male/female" instead of "man/woman" (or at least all the ones I've met seem to). For an example, "Cat-woman" can be kinda ambiguous and (at least imo) sounds kinda odd since "woman" is usually exclusive to female humans. In this example, are we talking about a woman who's obsessed with cats, a woman who is a cat (a female feline with human features), an anime cat girl (a woman with cat features), or a DC Comics character (a woman who dresses up like a cat)?

    Otherwise though, yeah. Yeah, especially, especially when someone refers to women as "females" as in "check out those females over there". That's creepy. Even furries would rather say something like, "check out those gals over there", regardless of context.

    Edit: also, does this hypothetical person say "males" too, or is it "man/female"? "Man/female" is a massive red flag.

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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • Yeah, I mean, again, I'm usually for rehabilitation, prevention, counseling, etc. because I know there are a lot of innocent people; either innocent of action (they didn't do it, were coerced, or the law was unjust or unjustly applied), or innocent because (imo) they had good reason (like stealing food or assaulting/killing your abusive spouse).

    I also know there are plenty of people who could be kind, caring people, they just never had the chance to not be a criminal due to their upbringing; and they absolutely deserve to have a chance at rehabilitation.

    But then you end up with these fucks. Just... What the fuck.

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    Working from home
  • It's misspelled in the image. The message you're replying to is meant to be read as if it's part of the one above it.

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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • Very poetic, and yes. You're right.

    Edit: (I'm being serious btw, you write very well; I just don't know what else to say aside from what I've said to the other commenters).

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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • Yeah, you're right. Tbh I'd rather if they were gone so they don't have a chance to escape and rejoin the real world, but there just isn't a great solution to the problem that doesn't end up with others suffering in some way. The people who do this kinda shit either A) do it knowing they'll eventually get caught and believe the risk is worth the reward, or B) they're so disconnected from reality that nothing can deter them from following whatever fucked up thoughts pop into their heads. A) knows exactly what they're doing and are doing it anyway, while B) is basically an animal with human intelligence at that point. You ain't stopping either one of them.

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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • Not really, again, this isn't really about revenge; it's more like, what would it take to make these kinds of people stop acting this way. Someone else made the point that, at the end of the day, they're breaking the law anyway. The law hasn't never been, nor will likely ever be, enough to stop people like that. As such, a punishment like that probably wouldn't do anything except make cruelty socially acceptable (it might actually backfire).


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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • What are you supposed to do with people like that? He punched his child to death between a methadone clinic and a McDonald's because she wet her seat. He bragged about "bouncing her off every wall in the house". He moved her body around for months, and based on the locations he chose, it almost seems like taunting than "how do I get rid of this body".

    Can someone like that actually be rehabilitated, or can they serve as an example of what happens to monstrous pieces of shit like that? Like, normally I'm for rehab, but I'm not sure he can be rehabbed.

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    Officials ignored warning signs prior to young girl’s death at the hands of her father, lawsuit says
  • The wife/stepmother should be in prison too as it sounds like she helped him cover it up.

    According to the lawsuit, the father’s uncle Kevin Montgomery contacted the agency to tell them Harmony had a “vibrant” black eye after she was “punched clear in the eye socket with full force” and that Adam had told him he’d “bounced her off” every wall in the house.

    Imagine being related to that piece of shit, seeing how horrible of a person he is, and being forced to watch him destroy a child's life while the government refuses to do anything. I'm amazed the father isn't dead. Being sentenced to prison or executed is too merciful. He should be tied up in public and subjected to a constant, high but non-lethal electric current until he dies of dehydration.

    Edit: this is less about revenge and more about how I'm very low on empathy and patience for the shit heads of the world right now; and I'm extremely tired of them and wondering what it'd take to make them shut up and go away.

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    ...I am suddenly apprehensive about the baloney screening
  • Zany... I haven't heard that term since... since...


    Fuck man, those are some memories...

    Edit: I finally found it... Rokenbok. The most coveted toy of my childhood. It was like model trains, Legos, knex, RC cars and marble runs all wrapped into one. And it was compatible with Legos!

  • Afaik no one knows where the line between "human-made" and "machine-made" is, so AI-generated imagery is considered public domain (at least for now).


    I recently saw a couple posts on techtakes and holy shit their members are, well, awful. Is this some kinda metajoke or running gag? Their members tend to have positive comment scores despite being massive assholes. That seems out of character for Lemmy which is why I'm confused and wondering if there's some kinda running gag I missed.


    Leading up to his death:




    For those of you outside of the community (and possibly wondering why the furry side of social media is on fire), Dragoneer did a hell of a lot for the furry community. FurAffinity is the largest furry art host and social network; he could have sold out and allowed AI, or made the site friendly to corporate advertising, but he didn't.

    He intentionally didn't.

    If he had, he probably would have been able to afford healthcare, but he didn't.

    He died because he wanted to keep the site in the community instead of whoring it out to corporations, resulting in him not having the money for healthcare when he needed it the most. I wish I'd been more aware of what was going on because I would have chipped in to help (if he'd allowed it).

    It makes me fucking furious that the US, the country with the highest GDP in the world by 10 TRILLION DOLLARS, still allows this to happen.

    RIP Dragoneer, we'll never forget you. Wherever you are, I hope it's filled with fur, feathers, scales and wagging tails.


    Edit: made some formatting edits


    Edit: I was trying to make a joke about how her new fondness for the number "34" was because "haha funny sex rule number" aka "rule34".


    Hey, I recently received a 14-day ban from for this comment:


    While I suppose it wasn't the nicest thing I could have said, here's what bothers me. They cited rule 1 as the ban reason. Now,'s news community doesn't have its own rules section, so I was left to assume that they were applying the instance-wide "rule 1" which was, "no bigotry".

    No Bigotry.

    Apparently calling someone a tankie and a redfash accelerationist is bigotry? Are they seriously trying to equate being a tankie with being trans, gay, black and/or native american? Seriously? That's incredibly bigoted and offensive; and that's ignoring the fact that the common tankie idols like Stalin, Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-un are deeply intertwined with things like nationalism, ethnic superiority, queerphobia and the like.

    Meanwhile, their modlog shows that they've dealt with multiple instances of actual queerphobic bigotry by removing the comment while also letting the user go.

    Do we really want to be associated with bigots like that?

    The thing that sucks is that there are communities I genuinely enjoy on, however getting banned for bigotry after calling someone a tankie and redfash accelerationist while actual bigots are allowed to keep hanging out on is like a slap to the face.

    I'm honestly considering leaving Lemmy and social media at this point. It seems like my two choices are corporate-owned black-box algorithms populated by soft-spoken bigots and pissed-off centrists looking for an axe to grind, and FOSS-based federated platforms where you still have to tolerate bigotry because there apparently aren't enough users and interesting content otherwise.

    Inb4 I start getting harassed by admins or something.


    Receipts (click links for images)


    (Community ban)

    (Instance ban)

    (No rules for

    (Rules for

    (Transphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)

    (Queerphobia let off with a slap on the wrist)



    Edit for people who are curious: it's not Photoshop, it's a troodontid mask made by Archesuchus for their "Weird Birds" series. Here's what it looks like under normal lighting conditions.

    Not gonna lie, I really, really want one. But fursuit heads are expensive (I'm assuming the cost would be similar since that's basically what it is) and I don't have the skill or tools to make one myself. :c


    Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, "O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?"

    The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.

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