Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead

Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead
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His plane has crashed and he's on the passenger list, but it's not proven yet that he was on the plane. He's the person, who faked his death in the past.
It seems like oddly coincidental timing that Russia also officially relieved Surovikin as head of the airforce today (he still hasn't been seen since the mutiny): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/23/russia-removes-sergei-surovikin-as-head-of-aerospace-forces
Not saying he's definitely dead, but I doubt this is him faking his own death so much as him slipping an assassination attempt if he's alive.
Ah yes. The general who the Kremlin said was "resting." Nothing ominous about that.
Death is the ultimate rest
Agreed, coordinated take down of Prigozhin and his allies.
I heard it played out exactly like the opening scene from Dark Knight Rises, too.
i want to get a hug from Tom Hardy too.
It would be extremely painful
for you
There were 10 people on the plane (3 pilots, 7 passengers) but they only recovered 8 bodies...
North Koreans going to Ukraine was a psyop. They were actually hired by Prigozhin to go to Russia and resurrect him after tricking everyone he died
If he manages to wiggle out of this one I will lose it I swear haha.
They expect
oneeight of us in the wreckage, brother.
the fire rises
Oh thank god!
Imagine blowing up a $5M Embraer just to fake his own death - and kill others in the process.
I'm sure Putin's chef had money lying around, but burning all that cash sounds a little desperate to me.
Raise hands if you'd rather die for realsies to save $5M in expenses
That's not what I said.