Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead

Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia, with nine other people on board also dead
His plane has crashed and he's on the passenger list, but it's not proven yet that he was on the plane. He's the person, who faked his death in the past.
It seems like oddly coincidental timing that Russia also officially relieved Surovikin as head of the airforce today (he still hasn't been seen since the mutiny): https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/23/russia-removes-sergei-surovikin-as-head-of-aerospace-forces
Not saying he's definitely dead, but I doubt this is him faking his own death so much as him slipping an assassination attempt if he's alive.
Ah yes. The general who the Kremlin said was "resting." Nothing ominous about that.
Agreed, coordinated take down of Prigozhin and his allies.
I heard it played out exactly like the opening scene from Dark Knight Rises, too.
i want to get a hug from Tom Hardy too.
There were 10 people on the plane (3 pilots, 7 passengers) but they only recovered 8 bodies...
North Koreans going to Ukraine was a psyop. They were actually hired by Prigozhin to go to Russia and resurrect him after tricking everyone he died
If he manages to wiggle out of this one I will lose it I swear haha.
They expect
oneeight of us in the wreckage, brother.
Oh thank god!
Imagine blowing up a $5M Embraer just to fake his own death - and kill others in the process.
I'm sure Putin's chef had money lying around, but burning all that cash sounds a little desperate to me.
Raise hands if you'd rather die for realsies to save $5M in expenses
That's not what I said.
Impressive Russia was able to push an entire plane out of a high rise window.
If only America knew about this trick before 9/11
It was Novichok-ing the tires…
Aren't airplane "accidents" more of a traditional CIA method? Not saying it was them, but from Putin I would expect poison or window.
Or maybe this is how Prigozhin decided to disappear. He may be on a beach in the Caribbean drinking a piña colada for all we know.
It's funny how nobody actually believes this was an accident.
Maybe it was Homelander.
Torrijos and Roldos instantly come to mind.
they put polonium-210 in the engines
Hexbear and default lemmy libs coming together to laugh at prigozhin getting merced is so goddamn funny lmao.
Literally the no more brother wars meme
Gotta take a moment to appreciate the little things
Putin 🤝 Hexbear 🤝 Lemmy
Default lemmy libs are happy the leader of a war-crimes-for-hire org is dead.
Hexbear smoothbrains are happy that daddy Putin murdered a political rival.
We are not the same.
Nah i'm happy that another war criminal Nazi is dead, literally no hexbear user likes either prigozhin or putin
Hexbear smoothbrains are happy that daddy Putin murdered a political rival.
This nonsense is like screaming that Charles Dickens writes books about scifi robots in space. It just demonstrates that you've completely failed to do even the most basic level of effort to understand what the actual beliefs of anyone on Hexbear are. You just completely make up your own reality based on some cartoon you have in your head.
Like seriously, go and talk to people first before stating such wrong things so matter of factly.
No more half measures, Vladmir
Never get on board a helicopter, and never go on board a plane if you just pissed off a guy famous for offing his political enemies. Come on guy, that's politics 101.
Seriously, have none of these guys listened to Rachel Jake's podcast?
come to think of it don't try and fail to kill putin no fucking way that works out
I've never seen tankies and libs ever so united in celebration.
It's as if leftists do not actually like Putin or any of the other ghouls on the Russian side, but are instead critical of NATO and willing to consider NATO opponents as rational actors instead of cartoon villains.
I oppose NATO over other Ghoulish countries because it's a greater threat to the world right now.
I think most people of the left or right can see the situation for what it is. However Russia is obviously crafting messages to appeal to those on the extremes. When you see people on the hard left screeching about Ukrainian Nazis or advancing absurd peace deals then they've been gotten at. When you see people from the hard right screeching about Ukrainian immigrants or the cost of the war vs America / Europe first then you know they've been gotten at.
As for Prigozhin, I think most people, even Russians are glad that he is dead but for different reasons. Seems clear that Putin murdered him for his disloyalty but nobody in Ukraine is going to mourn his loss for the spent force that is Wagner.
Ghouls can be rational actors without not being ghouls.
If a ghoul's fundamental values involve control, domination and power, doing everything they can in a bid to control a strip of land recently found to have plenty of energy natural resources would be a rational action from their point of view, even if it involves provoking immense suffering upon millions of people. You don't get to say that US presidents' actions can only be explained by the hubris of people and systems that want endless growth and control, but Putin's actions cannot.
If NATO has historically sucked, but countries surrounding the country led by that ghoul rationally feel the need to protect themselves, it's logical they'll want to join NATO.
The question here is why you're far more willing to accept the rationality of Putin than the rationality of his victims when they legitimately ask for NATO's support to defend themselves, and instead attribute them the category of sheep easily manipulated by NATO rather than accepting their autonomy and sovereignity to make their own decisions.
It seems they also have a tendency to consider NATO as cartoons villains. Also, tankies are not the average lefties, they are at the extreme of the left.
Fuck it, one struggle
He died so the lemmy community could heal 🕊
No one likes mercenaries after all.
::: spoiler big emojis
"prigozhin got whacked lmao"
We from neither are also pretty whelmed by this turn of events
He already mentioned liberals
I dunno, this seems good for Putin to me. But I'm not an expert in geopolitics and war...
It's a lemmy special
If someone tells you they're not going to kill you, they're calming you down to kill you later
should've remembered this simple rule
The true Anon rules never miss
And neither did the missile lmao
I'm gonna sound like a fringe conspiracy theorist here, but you guys,,, What if this was no random accident? What if someone intentionally made the plane crash? But who? And why?
Nonsense. The plane obviously accidentally collided with a surface-to-air missile that was randomly flying at the aircraft's vicinity. Nothing to see here, move on.
Must have been the wind.
It was shot down by Russian air defense.
that's the joke
No... it can't be...
Guess you could say the plane was denazified.
Because Prigozhin was a Nazi.
Probably because of this:
Dmitry Valerievich Utkin ... was a Russian army officer. He served as a special forces officer in the GRU, where he held the rank of lieutenant colonel. He is alleged to have founded the Wagner Group
According to several news outlets, Utkin is an admirer of Nazi Germany and has multiple Nazi tattoos, including Schutzstaffel (SS) insignia.
The tattoos are visible in multiple public photos.
Putin's propaganda is that the invasion of Ukraine is to denazify Ukraine. Basically any of his violent action is justified by calling his enemies Nazis and referring to the Soviet war against Nazi Germany (same as when the USA call others terrorists). So if he shot the plane, it's because it had Nazis. Top comment may support this way of thinking.
honestly how could you be stupid enough to get on plane w/ that guy? this was the single most predictable event of the entire conflict.
I, uh, left my phone in the hotel... I'll catch the next one.
lol right
He's normally the guy Putin calls to shoot down aircraft.
There's chance none of them were alive when the plane took off.
The cool thing about plane crashes is that they make autopsies reeaally superficial.
Ah, right, the plane took off on its own, did it? Remind me again of the avionics in an Embraer? I didn't realise they had introduced communication with ATC, navigating the airport etc. completely automatically.
Why would you bother? Just hide a bomb in the landing gear bay when servicing the plane just before taxi.
Wait, am I reading this right that the plane was shot down by russian air defence? If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source, then this will just further enforce option that russia can not be trusted to do anything it says and that putin is weak and threatened (both are true but I thought the kremlin would at least try to say/show otherwise).
How does russia keep messing up this bad? I am constantly shocked and awed.
I don't understand the logic here. When the putsch occured and then ignomously fizzled out, I saw Putin as weak for letting Pringles walk out with a (relative) slap on the wrist. Taking Prigo out of the picture was overdue. Obviously, anyone would feel threatened by an semi-autonomous mercenary army, so removing its leadership and breaking it up is just a rational course of action that probably should have been done sooner from that POV
Putin absolutely couldn't let Prigozhin walk, nobody could have. It's not just about the semi-autonomous mercenary army, if a government lets someone get away with an attempted coup d'état they'd effectively encourage others to give it their best shot as well because there was no effective punishment. Assassination is, well, a very Russian approach to the issue, but every government on this planet would have taken some form of action.
If they took him out before the deal was made sure, this soon after just shows weakness and a lack of credibility. They did the equivalent to getting into a bar fight, talking it out instead and then in front of every one sucker punching the other guy.
then this will just further enforce option that russia can not be trusted to do anything it says and that putin is weak and threatened
If they let him live, they're weak. If they kill him, they're weak.
During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime's atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn't go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them. If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum.
The USSR is not the russian federation and the later is an oligarchy. Why do you think such cold war arguments (that over simplify) have some sort of play in this conflict?
I also noticed you skated right on by the "can not be trusted" part of my quoted text.
If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source
The Guardian is reporting this:
The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but Prigozhin’s longstanding feud with the military and the armed uprising he led in June would give ample motive to the Russian state for revenge. Media channels linked to Wagner quickly suggested that a Russian air defence missile had shot down the plane.
Yes, I am hoping we get more info from anyone else then Wagner group soon.
The capitol riot was a threat to our precious democracy! / prigozhin’s coup attempt shows how weak putler is!
Tbf both were a sign of a troubled state but the Wagner mutiny was waaaaaaaaayyy more serious than Jan 6.
What? I am lost. Are you making some sort of US connection here?
One side uses its legal system to deal with an institutional threat, while the other performatively offers an olive branch and then stabs them on the back. Not quite the same. One side smells a lot like a mafia
Russia decapitation their own PMC org that tried to coup them does not mean they cannot be negotiated with
No but the agreement being broken that was created though Belarus does.
This take perfectly embodies how libs only care about aesthetics.
These large perfectly monolithic groups of scary people that you don't like.
I am lost and this is a reply to my own statement. May I ask you to expand on what a "lib" is, how I erred to be labelled as one, and finally how it is you think I care about aesthetics?
Wings generally don't just fall off without some kind of help.
"Plane crash" lol
They literally blew his nazi loving ass out of the sky.
Well the plane did crash against the missiles sent towards it.
I am shocked I tell you. Who could have predicted such an accident
The only thing I'll miss about him is his unhinged videos yelling at Shoigu and Gerasimov. Where else am I going to see billionaire completely lose his shit, yell at government officials, and then post that shit online?
pringle was a BILLIONAIRE???
We still have our big wet boy for that.
On X I guess?
Aren't Musk and some other shits doing this from time to time? We just know it's inconsequential because they don't have a reason and nothing change anyways.
He'll be remembered. Just not as a good guy.
My bad guys, first day on the anti-aircraft guns
In exchange, he gets to not be dead for a while.
Prigozhin should probably be careful touching doorknobs for a while regardless.
Does it count as calling it if I got the method of assassination wrong?
No. It's like 'Clue.' Need the room, the suspect, and the weapon or it doesn't count.
Clue? Like Cluedo but without the reference to "ludo" that makes the name clever?
Don't think so in this case - we were all expecting him to be assassinated somehow, and the old 'sushi dinner with a nice cup of tea after' wasn't very likely. Should have had a sweepstake on his life expectancy - guessing 60 days would have been pretty impressive.
I'd say it counts for at least half-credit.
Seems like Putin may have held a grudge after all.
Maybe frustrated after India did what his lot couldn't.
Nonsense. India and ruzzia both made it to the moon. The ruzzians just did it more aggressively.
Can't wait until Sync adds spoiler support...
liftoff as well lol
Can you?
tiny dancer playing softly in the background . . .
He just died? Wow. I didn’t know that. You are telling me now for the first time. He led an amazing life. What else can you say. Whether you agreed or not, he was an amazing man who led an amazing life. I am actually sad to hear that. I am sad to hear that.
Was only a matter of time…
What's the opposite of SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg?
I believe it’s “SurprisedPikachuFace.jpg”
What a disappointing guy. The least he could have done was take out Putin before he died.
If Putin dies you're not getting someone nicer, you're getting someone significantly worse. Of the United Russia party he's pretty much a moderate force within the party compared to the alternatives. And there isn't any other party that would magically assume power if he died.
I Wish the CPRF was based and epic
Nah, he's just another Russia's tzar, this time under a different name, but still tzar. And when he dies, shit is gonna go down in Russia. And I personally can't wait to watch it. No one is replacing Putin for quite some time after he's done. Maybe on paper, but in reality Russia will be all kinds of fucked. Have I mentioned already that I'm looking forward to it?
Watch him showing up at Kremlin proclaiming himself Peter the Great reborn.
I mean, he did try a coup that failed miserably because he had no support. Even if he would have want to try to kill Putin, there’s no reason to believe he was capable of it
lmao, you know he had to do it to him
I'm fully expecting Russian media to explain how those evil Ukranians sneaked a missile battery or a fighter jet into Moscow airspace and shot down a plane that just happened to contained Putin's mortal enemies.
I think it's usually Ukrainian media making those spurious claims, like about that Russian prison that got hit or, idk, I think there was a pipeline or something that was blown up they instantly blamed on Russia
I think that was western media, when that one Russian pipeline blew up and they were all saying it was Russia who blew it up, like lmao why would they blow up their own infrastructure that was actively generating them revenue? It was very clearly blown up by either Ukraine or NATO to force the EU to use less Russian gas or whatever.
I was expecting them to say the plane fell out of a window.
He's leading a Special Military Operation in the afterlife now.
Never discount that a deal was reached and this was their way or his way of going in retirement with a new identity - faked death.
i thought a similar thing but it looks like they're also cracking down on people sympathetic to Wagner
or putin could just kill him which would be a safer move on putins part
The simplest explanation is usually the right one though.
What about the others on the plane, crisis actors?
collateral damage.
What's in it for Putin? Why would he be giving favors like that to someone who turned his troops against Moscow? He made Putin look like a fool.
So, why would he be giving him favors?
Putin got tired of getting outranked by Prigo in the Chad-Cuck power ranking.
Little does he know this just immortalizes his rank
Best reply ever
owned lol
When it’s hard to toss a man out of a window. Or shoot or poison him. Just down his plane. Easy.
Perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of an airplane?
If the man is Rasputin?
This had nothing to with simplicity. It had everything to do with the Kremlin executing him and his entourage mafia style.
Also who cares about all the others aboard.
I'm shocked they waited so long. RIPpin' this vape because you're dead lol
Sometimes in life, you just gotta go wherever your heart takes you, no matter how many people try to tell you it's a bad idea, and even if it doesn't make sense - especially when it doesn't make sense!
This was not one of those times.
I'm loving all the tankie tears in here. They don't know who to support. LOL. I love how ruZZia is slowly eating its own tail and destroying itself, just typical of a fascist state. Slava Ukraini! Slava NATO!
post better bait next time. this is way too obvious.
I'm more annoyed with the people who reply to this low-effort garbage
They're not going to make better troll bait until they actually figure out who they're trying to troll
Slava Ukraini! Slava NATO!
you don't have to yell, we know you're a fascist
Slobonmi Krainee
yes, the people who love RUZZIA are absolutely fuming that Putin consolidated power.
fucking moron.
Lmao who is cryin u weirdo
Umm okay?
What tankie tears are you referring to? This entire post is everyone joking around and generally not giving a FUCK that a PMC far right oligarch got got.
Also you ARE aware that the vast majority of communist parties are not pro-Russia whatsoever right? That the "critical support to Russia" people are ultra minoritarian in the world communist movement, whereas the majority condemns BOTH NATO's role since 2014 (and prior) in precipating the situation leading to the Russian invasion, AND Russia for well, invading? Some even saying this war is one of inter-imperialist competition or close to one? That there is no good side but that of seeking peace asap for the sake of the working class, given the possibility of turning this bourgeois war into a revolutionary class war in both Ukraine, Russia, and the west is impossible atm?
Slava Ukraini! Slava NATO!
Deeply embarassing behavior. It's a war dude, not a sport match.
What tankie tears are you referring to?
More like tears of laughter lol
I don't know what tankies you've seen, lil fasc, but it was always understood among us that Prigozhin was only useful as long as he was under control. An ancap with a personal army running around unchecked isn't something you'll catch me supporting. I just wish this was done more effectively, without loosing control of the orchestra.
Least schizophrenic fascist.
I just think it's amusing how easily they out themselves as kneejerk anti-west reactionaries with support of Russia, which is a country even more opposed to their alleged ideals.
I'd like to hear more about these countries that are more opposed to our ideals than the imperialist core. Sounds like fascinating fiction.
Guy actually thought he was going to skate.
Wow. I Didn't Know That. You're Telling Me Now for the First Time
Only thing I am seeing on this is that two of Wagner's private jets were in the air, and one crashed over St. Petersburg while taking off from Moscow.
The other jet that belongs to him turned around and landed in Moscow airport after losing contact with the first. Which is pretty strange.
It is assumed that The leader Prigozhin and his 2nd in command were supposedly on board. As Russia state media is claiming they are dead.
However, Russia State Media has been lying quite a bit though this war, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt.
As of now 7 10 bodies have been found.
However, just day's earlier, Prigozhin was seen in Africa as if "announcing their services" to a developing situation. So why did he suddenly end up in Moscow? The one place he knows he isn't safe?!
Wagner's media is also claiming they both died.
He has been flying around Russia quite a bit since the coup, clearly he thought he was safe.
Yo, they fucking Lin Bioa'd him for real
They Lin Blow'd his ass out of the sky
But did the plane have windows?
No, it was running Linux.
That's how you know it didn't just crash
Then it wouldn't have crashed.
Probably running Windows Embedded and went for an update. An hour is long time to wait to get flight control back.
It crashed, so of course it ran Windows.
Do I have to point out that this title is misleading? Don't get me wrong, I'd be glad if it were true... one less child killer roaming the world but if you read the article it hasn't been confirmed by western sources he was on that plane.
it hasn't been confirmed by western sources
it hasn't been confirmed by western sources
"I only believe news if it's made by white people and owned by a white billionaire"
yeah wtf standard is that
It's not a racism thing. It's an "I don't trust the fucking kremlin" thing. Russian state media does not have a good track record of reporting the facts fully and honestly--for a long time, not just the last year and a half.
Racist much?
LOL'd. And these people look at the rest of the world and say: "Brainwashed.".
The current article title now:
Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after Russia plane crash
Mr. Putin, meet Lieutenant Columbo, from the LAPD. He'd like to have a few words with you Sir. Just a few questions about this tragic accident involving an acquaintance of yours, a Mr. Prigozhin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyfywQ98dIU
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/watch?v=PyfywQ98dIU
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I'm open-source, check me out at GitHub.
Ah yeah the guy who opposed Putin
Yeah surprise he's dead
I'm surprised it took this long
At the same time, Grey Zone reported that a second business jet owned by Prigozhin had landed safely in the Moscow region.
Perhaps not gone.
However from memory they shot down some air force stuff on their way up during the mini mutiny, so I could see the Russian Air Force having it out for him.
I won't shed a tear for Prigozhin and his gang but I haven't heard a single person speak about the uninvolved crew members of the plane who also got killed with this.. poor souls
Who cares? They were his own private planes. These people knew who they were transporting and getting paid for it while Ukraine burns. They are part of his war crimes as well.
Right? Fucking tankies crying tears into an ocean here.
I share your sentiment. But that's too complex of an emotion to have on the internet.
People seem awfully quick to accept the narrative - it seems to me this would be the easiest way for him to disappear on his own terms.
I think the key thing is that there isn't really a compelling reason why Russia would want to take his death. And if prigozhin has actually just faked his death to go retire on an island somewhere, the result for the rest of the world is practically the same
Putin wanting him dead isn't a good enough reason? Putin has done everything so far for ego alone.
Russia could have reason to fake his death, but that would be only to facilitate them killing him in a more gruesome way.
Until he gets pulled out of retirement for one final stand. This is like the type of shit you'd see in a movie, it practically writes itself. Reality is stranger than fiction lol
I still think he's dead for real though.
Either way, he is gone.
How is a plane crash the "easiest way"? And why on earth would Putin do him the favor of providing a new identity? What does Putin gain from that?
no remain identifiable, etc. Putin doesn’t gain anything, but the dude presumably knows he was on the kill list so disappearing would be in his interest