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Minor nitpick: if it's snowing outside (and you can do so), then wear a fucking sweater inside! Heating a whole room by a few degrees when you could just not run around with a T-shirt is just so wasteful.
If you can't wear one, because you're disabled, then ignore my rant, please.
Electricity companies hate this trick!
For real I dont understand why people forget that they can just wear thicker clothes even at home. And they complain the electricity is expensive
But let's not forget the fact that a heart pump would be great, if ran minimally and a small fireplace is not going break the bank. So don't think heating is a complete burden, enjoy the fruits of labor we all work hard on.
heart pump?
Yeah, you know. To pump blood around your house to heat things up.
What, you don’t have a heart pump‽ /s
This is the real answer, with the efficiency of a heat pump you can have your t-shirt and wear it (guilty free) too.
Because electricity is used for more than just heating: running computer, charging phone, lighting living space, keeping food eadible and making food.
Ok, last one is heating too, but for another purpose.
Significantly lowering indoors temperatures can have detrimental effects on health, particularly for elderly people. Also, electricity should be sufficiently accessible and cheap that I don't need to freeze my butt off in my home in order to pay the bills.
You're reading waay too much into my comment. I specifically said that there were exceptions and only said that you shouldn't heat up to t-shirt temperatures.
I suppose it's not you I'm annoyed with actually. It just rubbed me the wrong way. We've had 13-15C indoors this winter in order to afford the power bill, and that's with geothermal and a decently isolated house. Combined increases in grid fees and electricity price have multiplied our power bill five-fold the past years (and that's with everything else inflating also).
Next winter we'll hopefully have cleared the chimney and start burning wood again during the most expensive parts of winter.
Yeah, that's obviously a shitty thing to endure. Good luck for the next winter!
Ah, to be young again and not have your hands and feed start freezing indoors when it starts getting chilly outside...
Yes dress for winter even indoors, but once my nose and extremities and phalanges get cold, I'm turning on the heater.
Fine. So long you don't heat it up to 28°C
Fair comment, just wanted to add that it depends on the humidity and shelter condition. Dry cold is perfectly comfortable with extra layers - I've heard many stories of relatives sleeping outside in snow caves or under layers of snow over animal skins - but depending on how badly insulated your house is and how close to the ground (the answers for which, for most people in the situation of the comic, are: badly and low) you may not have much of a choice.
And honestly it’s so cozy to be in a chilly room in a toasty wool wrap.
We seem to love building thin-walled wooden boxes entirely above-ground and living in them.
Is "fat" a suitable disability for sweater forgiveness? Asking for a friend ... whom I accidentally ate.
I do that, but I also have fish tanks without a heater which can't go below a certain temperature, so there is a fine balance that must be maintained.