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What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • In addition to what @LwL said - It has to do with how testing is done, and that some diseases can't really be tested for. It is quite expensive, and is generally done on small samples from lots of people mixed together. If it is positive they split the batch and test again (look up binary search).

    The lower the incidence rate of diseases, the larger batches can be done. Ditching certain denographics with significantly higher risks for certain diseases can make testing orders of magnitudes cheaper and faster. (Other groups, at least where I live, include people who recently changed partner, recently went abroad, have ever gotten a blood transfusion, have gone through a recent surgery, have recently been sick, etc. etc.)

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • All laws on these topics in Sweden apply to "tobacco and tobacco-like products". Items included in this specification are tobacco, other herbal products for smoking, as well as electronic devices (which in turn encompasses electronic cigarettes and "similar devices").

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • I was complaining about smoking in public places. Precisely because of health reasons smoking in and around public spaces was limited a few years ago. I'm rather sensitive (asthma & more) and I much more often smell weed than tobacco in these types of areas. At the central station almost always. One of the many reasons I'm glad to be able to avoid public transit nowadays. Besides how the smoke of tobacco and weed affects me, I also find the smell nauseating.

    Besides, to me it seems pike almost every category of drug users have an excuse for why theirs is "less bad". Most often with alcohol it's "well it's only an issue of people drink too much". Fact is that almost all drug usage affects peoples behaviour and becomes a nuisance in public spaces.

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • Precisely. The fact is it isn't just tobacco users banned from doing it, but all smokers. Difference is that weed users don't give a crap.

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    Japan to criminalise cannabis use
  • No thank you, and I'd really like it if people stopped smoking it in public places. Many marijuana users seem to have very little regard for other people. Absolutely reeks of it at many central stations, on the subway, commuter trains and busses. Quite literally makes me sick. At least most tobacco users have the decency to not ruin enclosed public spaces for the general populace.

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    Musk legal victory to pause California misinformation, hate speech reporting law.
  • The court’s order for an injunction applies only to the sections relating to defining and reporting data on content violation categories. Social media companies will still be under the remainder of AB 587’s requirements, which include semi-annually creating publicly viewable reports to California on the current terms of service, how automated systems enforce the terms of service, how companies respond to user-reported violations, and what actions the companies take against violators.

    Seems like the higher courts ruling is sensible overall.

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    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
  • Where I live (Sweden) our grid has been essentially fossil-free since the early 90's, thus we haven't had the same need. Particularly since our electricity prices (excluding grid fees) already dip into the negatives in the summer, and solar is useless in the winter (<3hrs of light and snow cover).

    Unfortunately though, recent politically motivated shutterings of nuclear plants during the 2010s combined with higher volatility in continental Europe has led to the volatility of our own electricity market skyrocketing, and more decentralized electricity production has led to huge increases in grid fees (state monopoly).

    During a recent winter we had prices (when accounting for taxes and fees) in excess of 1$/kWh. This, in a country where almost all heating is electric, is disastrous. For context, we live in a small villa with a geothermal pump, and despite keeping indoor temps as low as 12°C at times we ended up with 1000s of USD equivalent in power bills for the winters 22/23 and 23/24.

    Quite sad really.

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    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
  • From the calculations I've seen in recent scientific reports, that doesn't seem to be the case, barring major economic changes on a global level.

    Even the cheapest grid scale storage solutions are an order of magnitude more expensive than constructing more electrical generation capacity.

    Particularly closed cycle fossil gas thermal plants have a massive advantage in markets where variable renewable electricity generation (wind, solar...) achieve high degrees of market penetration due to the volatility they cause in the grid.

    Hydro, transmission and nuclear are currently the most accessible non-fossil options to counteract the disadvantages of solar & wind.

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    I legitimately want to run Linux as my desktop OS, please tell me how to meet my requirements.
  • Those 5 requirements are not small things, but as a (relatively) recent linux migrant, here's my take.

    1. Keep using iTunes (but use the windows version) - through wine. You get to keep all your stuff as is for now with the possibility of migrating to another service in the future.

    2. See above, stick with your current device, keep using iTunes for now.

    3. If it's for private stuff LibreOffice suite does just fine though + the thunderbird email client. If it's for work you should probably have a work device, but there is also winapps for linux, which isn't official by microsoft, so it might be a bit funky.

    4. Maybe try out proton if you want something trustworthy to back up your photos. They've recently added a service for that. Costs a subscription though.

    5. Keep using evernote. There's a linux client.

    Obviously there will be hickups, and things'd be a lot more smooth if you were willing to make some adjustments, but this is perfectly doable.

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    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
  • Grid scale storage will be built en masse the moment it becomes economical, or when governments decide to use tax payer money to do it or subsidize it.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The country implementing this is Brazil, so I am comparing them to Russia - and if we implement this in the EU, it will be a huge step towards Russian style authoritarianism.

    As for why such a move would compromise the effectiveness of our votes, see my other comment here.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Your comment makes it apparent that you fundamentally do not even understand what censorship is. Legality has nothing to do with what censorship is and everything to do with limiting freedom of communication. Even something as basic (and undeniably both good and necessary) as taking down cp content is censorship.

    In my view, censorship is inherently good only in limited circumstances, usually involving either that A) The very creation of the content is irreversably harmful (see above) or B) The content is highly intrusive (essentially forcing the audience to partake) in combination with consumption of said content being irreversably harmful (consider regulation of advertising in public spaces).

    Historically, freedom of communication and organization has been the primary antidote to many authoritarian organizations (organized religions, autocratic monarchies, fascist & totalitarian regimes, corrupt leaders etc.), and this necessarily requires that centralized institutions cannot (in general) be allowed to dictate what is and is not acceptable discourse - that includes regulating "disinformation" outside of limited scopes.

    Fundamentally, if our leaders say we are incapable of discerning fact from fiction, and rob us of that autonomy, they are also robbing us of our ability to freely choose our leaders, effectively demolishing democracy.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I've written more than enough to mysteriously fall out a window in Russia or disappear into a "reeducation" camp in the PRC.

    However, if you crave the boot of censorship so much, why not try it? Trade places with one of the more than billion people chafing under it in one form or another and we'll see if you can report back after a month or two.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's frankly a terrible idea. Us not doing this is what differentiates the free(er) world from authoritarian regimes like Russia or the PRC.

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    Is Europe Turning Fascist? by Second Thought
  • The core component of fascism is authoritarianism with totalitarian goals. Many nationalist movements throughout history have not been fascist in nature, and many non-fascists have embraced nationalist values without becoming fascists.

    Also, claiming that a rise of fascism is inevitable under social liberalism is speculation at best.

  • I'm interested to see what lemmy thinks of this, I honestly haven't kept track of the potential options.


    Just don't ask how long it took to get my dGPU working properly :D But thankfully, there were a bunch of helpful folks with tips!


    The song (by Sabaton) came on as I was heading to work this Thursday, and I found myself tearing up. It's the first time in a few years that I heard it and it hit differently. I've got relatives and friends of friends in active duty.

    Not anyone I'm in touch with, but I've met them, and I hear of them. The price of a mile is the suffering and lives of them, their friends, and so many other young men.

    One of my bubbles has been burst by what's happening in Ukraine & Israel. War is no longer history, news and reports. It has become a lot more real to me, and it's something I could end up being a part of.

    This feels like a rather serious topic for a community called casual conversation, but feel free to share your thoughts on this, or a "bubble bursting" moment of your own.


    Feel free to highlight people from both reality and fiction - and why they make a good role model.


    It actually states that you may transfer your rights to the game to another person, which is, like... wow.

    I'm not sure if I've ever seen this in another steam-connected game.

    I still dislike the wording around the fact that the TOS can be changed at any time, and refusing revokes your right to playing it (without any compensation), but that's pretty much industry standard (unfortunately). This however, stood out to me.

    P.S: If any of y'all have some extraordinary TOS's for other games that stand out in good (or bad) way feel free to share, it'd be interesting to know if there are others!


    So I've got a pretty old smartphone and have replaced the battery once already. I've kept track of wear with the help of accubattery, since the phone didn't have that built in.

    However, enshittification is encroaching, and I'm now looking for alternatives. What are some decent options?


    In our current day and age, it's rather hard to meet new people and make new friends, particularly for those of us who do not participate in mainstream social media. So, how and where do you meet new people? Feel free to add some context around that.


    As something of a history buff I've read about a fair few Kings and Queens through history. There are many of them, most mediocre, a lot of them objectively bad, however, now and again one stands out from the masses as a good one.

    So, what (according to you) makes a good monarch? Feel free to point to a particular person, or event as an example :)


    If you, like me, live in the EU, Facebook is now entirely clamping down and forcing free users to make their personal data available for monetization.

    Attempting to access any Facebook domain and perhaps also other meta products will redirect you to the following prompt with a choice between either accepting the monetization of your user data, or coughing up a region-dependent monthly subscription fee: base (for me ~10€) + an additional fee (~7€) for each additional facebook or instagram account you have.

    Now, the hidden third option. At an initial glance, it seems like there is no other option but to click one of the buttons - however, certain links still work, and grant access to important pieces of functionality through your web browser.

    If anyone has information to add regarding Facebook or Instagram, please do share it. I've only (begrudgingly) used the former up until now, but I know many others use Instagram and don't feel like giving a single cent (nor their personal info) to Meta.

    1. - perhaps most important of all, now is a good time to make a request to download your Facebook data. Don't forget to switch to data for "all time" and "high quality" if you intend to permanently delete your account.

    2. - here you can find and manage your information, but crucially also access Facebook messenger.

    3. The messenger app: Still hasn't prompted me with anything, though I expect that will change in the not too far future.

    Currently my plan is to use messenger to inform any important friends that I intend to leave FB, and where they'll be able to reach me in the future.


    This time around, the base prompt is the title. Same as previous: SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé. Getting with the spirit of halloween. Inspired by the expression "That's a killer app!".

    Full details and settings are shared at my profile (/u/Iceblade02) on there


    Keeping the streak going with a new vibe.

    Once again, SDXL 1.0 @ NightCafé, inspired by the song "One Way Ticket" (to the blues), with Neil Sedaka

    Full prompt details &amp; other creations on my profile there (/u/Iceblade02)


    Made with SDXL 1.0 via NightCafé, inspired by a session of 1830 (the boardgame) this Sunday.


    Y'all folks make me want to make stuff just to share :)

    Not shilling firefox this time I promise!


    Yes, I miss the fox in the logo, so adorable &lt;3
