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Fedora: GNOME or KDE?
  • Both KDE and Gnome are stable. Anaconda works the same way for both of them, because that stuff doesn't have anything to do with the DE.

    It really depends on your preferences. KDE is easily customizaple and has a lot of features and UX improvements. But it can clutter quite easily: these options can be overwhelming.

    GNOME follows a very strict workflou design that's more similar to how phones work and helps an ADHD brain, like me to focus more. You can customize it, but you'll do so at your own risk.

    Best to try out both in a live system and do some things that emulate your day-to-day workflow. Then you can decide. And you can always change afterwards! If you have a separate home-partition, reinstalling a new DE/Distro is super trivial.

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    Fart rule
  • Especially Morty's constantly thinking so much about her feet that it can override the telepathic communication.

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    Rulebin didn't die for this
  • The whole premise is stupid, but if you take that into account, it can at least not be that soulless Hollywood garbage.

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    The Internet Archive just lost its appeal over ebook lending
  • Name one instance where that worked when it wasn't connected to a massive public outcry. Do you remember the Call of Duty "boycott"? Ubisoft is still in business, too.

    Also, the majority of book buyers don't know or care about this verdict.

    Also also: The publishers won't even be able to correlate the "lost" revenue of individual people boycotting with their shitty behavior. It's not "Oh, we sold 1000 less copies of this book than expected, because we fought the archive." It's more: "Our predictions were off by 1000 copies. No idea if that's because of some tangible factor, or just 'noise'."

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    The Internet Archive just lost its appeal over ebook lending
  • I really appreciate the sentiment, but sadly: Individual boycots that aren't attached to a concertated campaign sadly don't work. Pirate away, but you can be certain that these publishers don't know that you exist.

  • https:// /green/2024/08/18/europes-seeds-are-being-privatised-by-patents-and-it-could-threaten-food-security

    cross-posted from:

    > Europe has one of the most diverse seed industries in the world. In Germany, the Netherlands and France alone, hundreds of small breeders are creating new varieties of cereals, vegetables and legumes. > > Relying on decades of careful selection to improve desired traits like yield, disease resistance and flavour, they adapt seeds to local environments through methods like cross-breeding. > > This legion of plant breeders help maintain Europe’s biodiversity and ensure that our food supplies stay plentiful. But their work is under growing threat from the patent industry. > > Although it’s illegal to patent plants in the EU, those created through technological means are classified as a technical innovation and so can be patented. > > This means that small-scale breeders can no longer freely plant these seeds or use them for research purposes without paying licensing fees.

    2 NVIDIA: Copyrighted Books Are Just Statistical Correlations to Our AI Models * TorrentFreak

    As part of a copyright lawsuit, NVIDIA has informed the court that copyrighted books are just statistical correlations to their AI models.

    cross-posted from:

    0 Rat soll Chatkontrolle durchwinken - Werde jetzt aktiv!

    Der belgische Vorsitz im Rat der EU will die Chatkontrolle am Mittwoch den 19. Juni abstimmen lassen. Damit bestätigen sich die Befürchtungen: die Verfechter der Chatkontrolle wollen ausnutzen, dass es nach den Wahlen weniger öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gibt, während sich das Europäische Parlament er

    Deutsche Version. Cross-postet von !

    > Der belgische Vorsitz im Rat der EU will die Chatkontrolle am Mittwoch den 19. Juni abstimmen lassen. Damit bestätigen sich die Befürchtungen: die Verfechter der Chatkontrolle wollen ausnutzen, dass es nach den Wahlen weniger öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit gibt, während sich das Europäische Parlament erst neu bilden muss. Wenn die Chatkontrolle es jetzt durch den Rat schafft besteht außerdem die Gefahr, dass sich das Parlament in seiner neuen Zusammensetzung nicht so stark gegen die Chatkontrolle wehrt und unsere bisherigen Erfolge in den Trilogverhandlungen zwischen Rat und Parlament wieder aufgibt. [...]


    Geht in Gewerkschaften! Tretet Mietybündnissen bei! Macht den Konserven/Nazis das Leben zur Hölle!


    Oldie but goodie.

    Transcript: Tweet by the SRSLY wrong podcast. Content: "message to my enemies: when the revolution comes you're not just gonna get the wall, buddy, you're gonna get four walls, a roof, clean clothes, good food, education, and quality health care because that's what every human being alive deserves"


    Amazing and very neutral explanation for people who haven't heard any/both sides to the conflict.

    Can't wait for the next episode.


    Didn't watch it yet, as I'm only 2 episodes in and Idon't want to taint my first view too much.

    But from what I've seen of the show, I understand how they reach this conclusion. And Jessie Gender usually has quite a good grasp on these things.

    Edit: Kind reminder that this post is for sharing/discussing the video, not for dunking on the Netflix adaptation.

    Edit2: Watched it now. Spoilers for the first 2 episodes and light spoilers for the rest of the live action show, season 1.
