boebert was giving a no-foolin for-reals handjob during the beetlejuice musical
boebert was giving a no-foolin for-reals handjob during the beetlejuice musical
boebert was giving a no-foolin for-reals handjob during the beetlejuice musical
no-foolin for-reals handjob
over the pants rubbin
Y'all that's not even a handy to a seventh grader.
over-the-pants hojo is a hojo nonetheless, I don't make the rules
It ain't!
I went in expecting to see a JFK, and all I got was horny after two glasses of wine during appies at Chili's.
Vaping and doing over the pants hand stuff in a public theater, absolutely incredible. She's like the cookie monster pajama girl from high school theater. Hypocrisy aside, it's almost too charmingly adolescent to get mad at, it's like hearing Mitch McConnell was caught smoking ditch weed out of an apple behind the dumpster.
cookie monster pajama girl
I've never heard this described as vibe before but....I get it.
Not to say I'm not the queer equivalent of that. Probably why I understand it.
I don't know why this is a particular archetype of the universe but it seems like everyone who went to high school after 1990 knew at least one of these girls. Hoop earrings, flaming hot cheetos, eyebrow makeup, cookie monster PJ pants, probably very loud and liked getting into fights, started smoking cigarettes in 6th grade
Fuck I can't believe I forgot about that kind of woman. She literally is wtf.
She Lauren on my Boebert til I Beetlejuice
Omg that theater is PACKED 😭
i went to NYC recently and my girlfriend wanted to see the Harry Potter show(forgive me, HexBear). It was packed too. Then i found out it's been running for like 10 fucking years. Goddamn so many cringe moments and a fuckton of cape flourishes. 3 fucking hours, never again.
Worst thing to ever happen to NYC
This is the second time this story had me expecting to be in ! .
That is my only blocked community ever. It can be really funny, but the not-insignificant cognitive load it adds to scrolling the site is not worth it.
I think it mellowed out a bunch. When it was added it was way too much.
Whooo doggy she's a certified FREAK
Seven days a week. With a bucket and a mop, apparently. My doctor wife, who is from canada and goes to another school so you wouldnt know her, says so
Girls rock
And this is why we retain our vital essences
Yo why does the video cut out early, where's the rest
The subplot of developing the town into an exurban haven for yuppies got her all horned up
This is really hot
Very cool. Would have been a lot cooler if the theater had those seats with flip up arm rests.
More normal people in office.
My eyes! Ahhhhhh!
"I think he's going to pork her, dad."
"He's not going to pork her, Rus."
Dudes rock
Beetlejuice would approve
Someone please call the cumming police, we're in danger.
Volcel Police
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
...I can fix her?
Good to know that existing and being gay at the same time is an evil and sexual act, but publicly masturbating next to children isn't
Y'ever watch a theater production of Beetlejuice and it just gets you GOING??
Lauren Boobert
That’s my president
Alanis Morissette wannabe