That's crazy talk! Just mentioning that made my shares in FuckThisPlanetOilForLife drop by 0.0000001 percent! You'll ruin the economy! Think of the share holders and the rich!
I'm just listening to assholes vroom-vrooming up and down the nearby thoroughfare day and night. Each and every one is accelerating the problems for everyone, and they can't give a fuck.
I see nascar and f1 and think: what fucking planet is this being broadcast from?
India, pakistan and mexico are literally cooking. this week we're predicting heat waves all over the US and Canada even.
How many dead people from heat will it take before someone says "Hey, you know, we could cut out a lot of emissions just by stopping the 'for funs' bullshit"?
You are missing the subtleties of this presentation that goes well beyond a histogram. This is a very nice layout that shows variability by month and decade.