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Where did AfD voters come from, and where did they go?

Even more voter movement charts.

Bonus: "Do you think Germany's economic situation is good or bad?"

not even asking about personal economic conditions, just the overall state there's a massive fucking difference in perception.

  • Who are those 50.000 that went from green party to afd? What kind of reason could there possibly be for that?

    Also interesting how it's the same as in the us where the answer to "how's the country doing economically" vastly depends on your news sources since only a very low amount of people in Germany are out of work, the Dax is hitting multiple records in recent months, the economy is growing, inflation is going down and the unions are achieving raises above the inflation level

    But for some reason all you hear about is the food prizes which actually didn't increase that much compared to the normal shrinkflation. Or everyone was portraying how there would be disastrous power outages after the switch off of the atomic generators but nothing like that happened. Or how Germany had the lowest inflation amongst most European countries despite having the biggest dependency on russian gas because the political decisions made where actually really on point.

    But for some reason nothing of this is reaching AFD voters so they keep ignorant and think the economy is failing.

    Kind of similar to how regions with the fewest migrants are the most racist since the media has full control over the scare tactics targeted at them without any reality interfering

    • Who are those 50.000 that went from green party to afd? What kind of reason could there possibly be for that?

      Misguided pacifists that believe that the AfD would negotiate a peace deal with Putin in Ukraine. I personally know some like that... who just barely stopped short of admitting they considered voting for the AfD because of that.

    • the Dax is hitting multiple records in recent months, the economy is growing, inflation is going down and the unions are achieving raises above the inflation level

      Stock market figures only benefit the wealthy. It is an entirely meaningless figure for measuring the economic situation of a country's population.

      inflation is going down

      Inflation "going down" doesn't mean there is no more inflation. It only means that there is less inflation than before.

      the unions are achieving raises above the inflation level

      Only a minority of the German workforce is even represented by those unions, also, most of them barely managed to get raises covering the recent inflation. Inflation adjusted salaries in Germany have been stagnating and even shrinking for decades now, so whatever has been achieved by the few unions isn't really that impressive in the long run.

      The reality of the majority of people in Germany is vastly different from what you are describing.

    • Who are those 50.000 that went from green party to afd? What kind of reason could there possibly be for that?

      Not to speculate too much but according to court records, Beate Zschäpe browsed Greenpeace news before setting the camper ablaze.

      The German far-right has never been anti-environmentalist as such, much to the contrary: On the first Green party convention there were a lot of people who were of the opinion that not enough is being done for the German forest. Until they got kicked out with prejudice. It's the centre-right which likes to bury nuclear waste in leaky barrels in leaky salt mines.

      • Not to speculate too much but according to court records, Beate Zschäpe browsed Greenpeace news before setting the camper ablaze.

        Where the fuck did you get that nonsense?

        The German far-right has never been anti-environmentalist as such, much to the contrary: On the first Green party convention there were a lot of people who were of the opinion that not enough is being done for the German forest. Until they got kicked out with prejudice. It's the centre-right which likes to bury nuclear waste in leaky barrels in leaky salt mines.

        This is also bullshit. The AfD literally does not believe in climate change and wants to get the coal industry running again. The Greens are pretty much the number 1 enemy of the far right in Germany and everyone caring for the environment is seen as a menace, because the whole topic kinda became a left leaning political topic somehow (likely due to US politics).

      • Yeah but the green party is like the official antagonist for the AfD

        Of all the parties there are their favourite target to delegitimize at any possiblity

  • Massive difference in perception, or actual effects for the voters. Cause they seem to be mainly situated in east Germany.

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