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Vincent Van Who?
  • Than she can rest knowing that maybe long after she is dead, billionaires will trade in her paintings and hoard them in tax free zones at airports as ways to hide their money from the IRS.

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • Plenty of good games out there, even in the early access I have found some real gems. Just recently coffee stain released satisfactory.. labor of love and it shows. I recently tried bellwright, it's impressive, so is manor lords.

    And hardware stagnating also means that people get to learn what it's all about and optimize for it. The last gen games on a console are usually also better optimized than the first series of games on a platform. So yeah..

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    The oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region, has been burning for 9 days.
  • Are they low on the specialised foam?

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    Army to guard a hospital in Italy after a spate of attacks on medical staff across the country
  • So, Italy, hos things going?

    The turning point was an assault at the Policlinico hospital in the southern city of Foggia in early September. A group of about 50 relatives and friends of a 23-year-old woman — who died during emergency surgery — turned their grief and rage into violence, attacking the hospital staff.

    Jezus christ!

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    JD Vance
  • Yeah, and how did that work out for jones.?

    Although he's still out there, his assets should be garnished down to the social minimum.

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    Not Reporting on Trump as a Threat to Democracy Is Also a Threat to Democracy
  • Journalistic malpractice. Even pre WW2 the newspapers wrote clearer on Hitlers intentions than what they do on trump. Especially now with the dehumanizing rhetoric. And the lying, all the blatant lying... Nothing.

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  • Get agitators into communities and stoke fears. So that the messages are posted by the people stoked and you are able to stay removed from it as the actual source.

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    Qatar expands its influence in Europe through the purchase of Rosneft assets
  • Or is it rossneft by way of qatar.?

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    Historical centre turned into giant parking lot😮‍💨
  • Here in the towns around a lot of these parking lots are also used for those. The parking is open for cars when not used for other things. A sign Warns when parking is not allowed when market is setup. And other days the parking is closed off. The rest of the time it can be used for parking. I thinks that's at least good use of the space.

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    Haitian immigrants helped revive a struggling Ohio town. Then neo-Nazis turned up
  • So where is the line? Because their exercise of their rights limits others as they are no longer safe to go outside. Your rights and freedoms end where mine begin... It should not be the right of the loudest, or right of the person most careless of others, should it? Is that what we want for society?

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    ‘Clearly chicken you weirdo’: People respond to JD Vance sharing video he claims shows migrants grilling cats
  • Uhm, a raccoon trap is also a cat trap. Easy enough to setup. Hell even the wile-e-coyote style trap with a stick and a rope will work if you use proper bait.

    Edit: Haitians don't eat pets people! I was just responding to the guy with his cat hunt.

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    Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • Several traffic cameras in the Netherlands have been upgraded with decibel meters as part of a test. I hope this becomes the norm for all the cameras.

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    JD Vance
  • If someone gets hurt I hope they do. Because they do this maliciously.

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    Su Nuraxi, Sardinia
  • Wow that is old.. 17th century BCE.. thanks for sharing. Some of these posts teach me something new, and this one looks very impressive.

    Wiki link

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    3 Americans, 2 Spaniards held over alleged plot to 'destabilize' Venezuela.
  • Probably true, but at this moment I think the more likey scenario is the other one. At this moment the cia does not need to do a lot as the venezuelan government is busy shooting their own foot.

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    Kan kabinet asielcrisis uitroepen? 'Het is ondemocratisch en tegen de rechtsstaat'
  • De les van Orban is dat, als je gewoon schijt hebt aan alles en het toch doet er geen consequenties zijn. En als netto betaler aan de EU en een veto over de Financiën kan Nederland het lijen om de zaak heel erg op de spits te drijven. Ik ben benieuwd of het kabinet alle Nederlandse goodwill van de afgelopen jaren in minder dan 12 maanden de grond in gaat speed runnen. Onze Minister President is gekozen omdat het iemand is zo der kleur, eigen mening of ruggengraat. Hij is een bestuurder die doet wat hem opgedragen wordt.

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    The Murdoch Press is discovering the NPC Meme
  • I'd argue that the excesses they see being displayed all around them are the teachers.

    Sociopaths venerated as gods on social media, normal media sanewashing the blabberings of a tired old senile racist sexual predator. Grift, theft, treason and racism all out in the open and beiing rewarded and normalized. While at the same time being bombarded with live feeds from wars raging on the other side of the world alternated with influencers that show you a heavily sponsored Lifestile sold to you as normal.

    The fact they will probably not have normal access to public services we have grown accustomed to, won't have a social safety net, not a pension while being priced out of a home is not helpful either.

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    China new home prices fall at fastest pace in over 9 years in Aug
  • Uhm, you mean that after the government let the speculators run rampant in the housing market building entire ghost cities while inflating the prices using consumer money.. they cracked down on the building sector and are leaving consumers holding the bag.

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    German Foreign Office trolling Trump. - EUROPE SAYS
  • The "we also don't eat cats and dogs" comment at the end was trolling.

  • With all the footage coming out of Ukraine with the fpv drones, the games seen in some episodes used for training make a lot of sense. The game Janeway and seven shooting small maneuverable airborne drones, comes to mind. But also guinan and the shooting colored dots. I have no clue what the games where called, but the prediction is spot on.

    0 Zeeuwse huishoudens krijgen betaald als ze zonnepanelen uitzetten

    Op zomerse dagen met veel zon wordt meer energie opgewekt dan dat er wordt gebruikt en dat belast het stroomnet.

    Dus.. als belastingbetaler betalen we voor salderen. En de energie aanbieders pakken daarvan nu een stuk met de toeslagen (terwijl de netbeheerders het geld nodig hebben).

    En nu gaan ze actief het klimaatbeleid saboteren door mensen te betalen om hun panelen uit te zetten in plaats van opslag realiseren.

    Ik ben benieuwd hoeveel budget ze hiervoor hebben uitgetrokken. En hoeveel opslag ze daarvoor zouden kunnen realiseren. (Homewizard heeft voor 1400 euro een plug in home accu... Ik heb geen aandelen).

    Maar dit is wel makkelijker en sneller voor de bedrijven.. dat wel.


    One of the oldest icecream parlors in my city serves 1 scoop of chocolate icecream, some whipped cream in a glass topped off with coca cola.

    It's surprisingly good.

    Their other soda is lemon/lime icecream with whipped cream, some ginger and topped with gingerale.

    Excellent too especially on a warm day.

    Thought I'd share as they can be easily made at home too.

    4 Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    Sea Baby maritime drones of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) planted more than 15 underwater mines near the waters of the Russian-occupied Crimea, as a result of which at least four Russian ships were damaged.

    If we can't come in, you can't come out either

    2 US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    The US appears to have expanded its agreement with Ukraine to strike over the border inside Russian territory wherever Russian forces are engaging in cross-border attacks into Ukraine, not just in the Kharkiv region as was previously determined.

    National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told PBS News on Monday that the agreement with Ukraine to fire into Russia extends wherever Russian forces are attempting to invade.

    5 Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Topambtenaar Dick Schoof is de kandidaat-premier van de nieuwe coalitie.

    Nou, voormalig NCTV en AIVD. Kan me voorstellen dat we een hoop veiligheid krijgen in ruil voor onze privacy.

    En gelukkig heeft hij als hoofd van de IND het ook een toekomstbestendige organisatie gemaakt.

    Ik ben benieuwd. En jullie?
