Is there any better example of a food that doesn't deserve to exist?
There are lots of things that can be put down to personal taste, however I can't let this abomination go.
I am referring to Branston Smooth.
I love Branston Pickle, but I can't get on board with Branston paste. Is there a better example where a manufacturer made an updated version of a food that was objectively worse?
I'm in the US. On my last trip to the grocery store I saw that the Mt Olive brand is now selling pickle juice as its own separate product. They had little shot sized bottles and big liter jugs of it. Someone had the actual nerve to market this as a "sports drink".
It's literally on the same shelf right next to the pickles, and cost nearly twice as much.
Okay, fuck that, but hear me out: it’s a good sports drink. Drinking a shot of pickle juice for every couple of water bottles on a day where you’re pouring sweat keeps you hydrated better than Gatorade (also good while drinking, and the sour and saltiness mixes well with tequila). There’s no reason to pay a premium for it instead of just skimming some from pickles you already have though.
I get Sunday evenings to myself at the moment, so I've been doing the whole sitting in front of the telly eating some shit that the wife doesn't like. I tried chilli with cheese, sour cream, and Doritos, but didn't want to cook just for myself.
I tried a tin of Princes chilli, and while it was nice enough, it's pretty much pureed.
I'd tried another brand the week before, and it was lovely, but this felt like eating baby food.
It looks like "stoop" and I'm Dutch. So I expected high octane sugar... It was not. To this day I'm convinced it it made from the gunk thats left after refining oil.
I am very flexible when it comes to Cola. I have my strong preference, but I'll drink other brands to when offered, with one notable exception: You'd have to pay me to drink Red Bull Cola again. They should've stuck to Energy Drinks. All their pretty flavours are nice, but that one product is an crime against my tastebuds.