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Details of Hero's stats

I always wonder why can't the game reveal the stats in transparent and detailed manner each time Hero crosses level progression?

We do get a notification in green indicating a +5 boost to accuracy, health, etc

Since Evan is working on the current update that brings maximum details in game then shouldn't we have a minor change to Heros status revealing the exact numbers on accuracy, etc to better understand the vulnerabilities or strengths before investing SOUs on items?

  • The next update isn't actually revealing any more information than the game already displays, it's just giving it to you in a nice compact form that's much easier to access, and in the case of SoU it's showing it to you before spending the scroll instead of after.

    Unfortunately I don't intend to show off accuracy and evasion stats because the numbers aren't particularly meaningful. The hero has 10 accuracy and 5 evasion to start, and gains +1 of each per level. This tells you nothing about the actual hit/dodge chance on a per-enemy basis. the only real way for me to show this information would be to show the exact hit/dodge chance for each enemy, which feels like way too much information.

    • I feel that the stats themselves could still be helpful to see. Take the example of an evasion stat. It doesn't show what the evasion % against a particular enemy is, but you could still compare various equipment to one another.

      For example, if I compare a evasion-augmented +0 chain mail armor to a non-augmented +1 leather armor, which one gives me a higher evasion? That would be nice to see in numbers.

      Accuracy too. How much more accurate is a mace compared to a flail? I know the damage difference in numbers, I'd like to be able to compare accuracy too.

      The same is with blocking power. How much does earthen armor add? What damage will I do with a warrior leap on average?

      And to keep the uncertainty of equipping unidentified armor, you could make such stats display "???" instead of a number until it's identified.

      Edit: This is of course all assuming you display the stats including equipment/effect adjustment.

      • So an evasion augmented armor grants 4 + 2*lvl evasion. I could include this stat, but it's not actually going to help decision-making at all, as you have no idea how that compares to the amount of blocking you've lost. Furthermore extra points of evasion/accuracy aren't necessarily more useful, generally the more of it you've got the less useful each point is, which is often the opposite of blocking's value. So I just don't include the numbers at all as that ends up being a similar amount of information with less complexity.

        Accuracy figures are the exact same in this regard, I'd rather have no numbers at all than show numbers which aren't actually useful.

  • I feel that the stats themselves could still be helpful to see. Take the example of an evasion stat. It doesn't show what the evasion % against a particular enemy is, but you could still compare various equipment to one another.

    For example, if I compare a evasion-augmented +0 chain mail armor to a non-augmented +1 leather armor, which one gives me a higher evasion? That would be nice to see in numbers.

    Accuracy too. How much more accurate is a mace compared to a flail? I know the damage difference in numbers, I'd like to be able to compare accuracy too.

    The same is with blocking power. How much does earthen armor add? What damage will I do with a warrior leap on average?

    And to keep the uncertainty of equipping unidentified armor, you could make such stats display "???" instead of a number until it's identified.

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