Um, what does he think Antifa means? You notice how they almost exclusively use the abbreviation and hardly ever the full name? For those who might actually be unaware, it means Anti-Fascist.
Scott Adams is a fucking moron. He apparently thinks anti-fascists are actually pro-fascist. Dumbass.
Or who conveniently forget about the Southern Strategy and the great party switch. Massive, massive mental gymnastics to put themselves on the 'right' side of history every time
A lot of conservatives have problems understanding words, especially words that apply to political beliefs. It's party ignorance and partly a result of years of indoctrination. One example, thinking that anyone who isn't hard-right is a 'socialist' or a 'commie' and not understanding that those aren't the same thing. Then, fascist... many people seem to think fascist means an authoritarian government, independent of any other qualities or beliefs.
Hah yeah... It also wasn't until this post that I made that connection. For the past few years I've heard of "the Dilbert Guy going off the deep end" and seen random posts (like this) with this Scott character being an absolute moron
Every word uttered by a conservative is either a lie or profoundly incorrect. Every communication is an attempt to manipulate. This is who conservatives are.
I used to read ToiletPaperUSA on reedit and yeah, fuckin Charlie Kirk. EVERYTHING he posts online contains fallacies and conflations attempting to manipulate people, like he knows his ideas can't stand on their own without dishonesty.
No. No it wasn’t. Antifaschistische Aktion was a paramilitary wing of the communists, fighting both the social democratic Iron Front and the Nazi Sturmabteilung.
The only way in which it could be said to be allied with the Nazis is that both of them opposed the social democrats, but the enemy of your enemy is not in fact your friend. The KPD saw both the SPD and the NSDAP as fascists, rather than in any way allying with the NSDAP against the SPD.
Your "opinion" exposes you don't understand what antifascists are. Antifa is not a group. It literally is just an abbreviated form of the word antifascist. "Antifa" doesn't do anything. It has no form or organization. It's just an idea. It's like saying socialist or conservative.