Knowledge is having read the book and seeing both parties acknowledge that their relationship is familial, that Frankenstein is a surname, and thus recognizing that there is both the Doctor and Monster Frankenstein.
They're both Frankenstein, and also they're both monsters. Victor shouldn't have made the monster, and he should've done more to stop it, but the monster was also an asshole. Being treated like a monster doesn't make it okay to act like one.
I'm not going to justify the murders, especially the child, but the common people were beating him everywhere he went. This guy was a genius who just wanted a friend.
Taking a sci fi class right now and the prof made us watch that. Pretty good movie. Part where Frankenstein's Monster shags his wife is a little weird though
Furthermore, as a creation of Victor Frankenstein, calling the monster "a Frankenstein" is no more inaccurate than calling Guernica "a Picasso," or a 1996 Camry "a Toyota."