It'd be beyond belief, that's what!
It'd be beyond belief, that's what!
24ReplyDo you love to go a wanderin beneath the clear blue sky? -hic-
Of course not, silly goose. We already have Wesley Wrestling Wednesday.
Crushin’ it.
3ReplyWe need more TFBB. Riker had so much fun pretending to be wholesome and respected actor/director Jonathan Frakes from the pre-Bell years, everyone spontaneously gave him their holosuite reservations for the day.
1ReplyI never heard of it, so I call shenanigans.
3Reply 16Reply 4Reply
I'm just not feeling it today, but I'll see if I can come up with something later.
Edit: Wait, I have an idea maybe.
12ReplyWhere there’s a Will, there’s a way.
The internet shall will it into existence,
We will command ‘er to exist.
We will do just like the third rike ‘r never mind.
2ReplyIt is now.
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