My union got me more money in a single year than I will pay in dues for my entire career in at least 3 separate years in the 6 years I've been working for my employer.
I get leave each year that is slightly more than 20 percent of my work hours.
How is this even legal? As a European I can't understand how anyone falls for this blatant anti-union propaganda. They are obviously beneficial to workers (that's literally why they exist) and I've never had to run anything by my union unless I believe I'm being unfairly treated by my employer.
If conditions were left up to corporations children would still be working, we'd be doing 12 hours a day 6 days a week and Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol would be an autobiography on the current bestsellers list.
Corporations are interested in making profits, paying shareholders, managers getting their bonuses, workers are don't make the top 10.
I did a seasonal stint at a Target Warehouse recently, and while there wasn't anything blatantly antiunion, the effort is absolutely there. There is alot of talk about open door policies, open communication lines between management and workers, and a culture of "trust". My emphasis, their words. They also have a standing policy that, out of context, is very odd. Knowing what I do about antiunion measures, it's very blatant. They have a fiercely reinforced policy that there is to be no distribution of any papers or solicitation of any kind during work hours or on Target property. They attempt to rationale it with an example of people "asking for kids fundraising orders or public funding websites". Personally I've never known those to be even a mild distraction at any workplace.
We're the first ones to starve the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about
Dues deducted from your pay.. yes true… oh no it’s a whopping $20-50 a pay (spitballing a range.. I pay $44.49 per pay)
No guarantees on pay, benefits or work rules even though it’s extremely unlikely you won’t get better pay, benefits or work rules using that line of thinking the company doesn’t guarantee that either lol
Typically must go through union, not supervisor or manager.. okay for what? I got to my supervisors and managers every day for stuff and even if that is the case so fucking what supervisors and managers don’t have my best interest in mind.
It is always the same tactic again and again and again. Constant variations of, "unions steal your money via dues and you have no guarantee of benefits then, but you do right now".
It's exhausting.
The same tactic, damn near the same words, are used for the same purpose since at least the 1800s. It works well enough that they just slightly modernize the language and that is that.
Many states ban vote solicitation and signs within 50-200 ft of polling locations. I'm sure it's only for state+ level votes, but it seems to me like having signs saying to vote NO directly on and adjacent to the voting machine for a legally protected union vote should be not legal...