Biden has always been a piece of shit. That said, he's old, his other son is dead, and his loser son got caught up in a shitstorm that had less to do with justice and everything to do with politics and optics. The country decided that it is happy to go down the a fully corrupt, inept and fascist rabbit hole, and Biden opted to save his loser son and tell everyone to go fuck themselves and go suck an mushroom shaped cock.
EDIT: Don't get mad at an old man for choosing to save his son. Be mad at a system that allows a man to abuse his power to protect his friends and family from consequences.
For once, a proper use of "Don't hate the player, hate the game".
Given the circumstances, I’d have done the same thing. Under trump’s dictatorship, I’d imagine he wouldn’t have lived long in prison- what with all those…. Open windows.
I'm GLAD Biden understands the SEVERITY of the Upcoming Trump Presidency and is doing EVERYTHING he can to Protect the American People and NOT just His Family!
“Hypocrisy isn’t illegal, nor is it particularly unusual in politics,” Stewart said Monday about Biden’s pardon. “It’s not like he’s ever going to run again. So why not take care of your kid, even if you said you weren’t gonna? I respect it. I don’t have a problem with it.”