54Reply 30ReplyI wonder what Buzz Lightyear would be called if the first two men in the moon were named Nick Adams and John Abbott or something normal.
ETA: And if they different names, would we have gotten "Blast Hardcheese?"
26ReplyPuts tinfoil hair on
They were specifically selected to send secret messages to the aliens using their names.
14Replytinfoil hair
Does that provide better coverage than a hat?
8ReplyAnd that message was...
The first two men to walk on the moon were named Niel and Edwin. The next two were named Charles and Alan.
3ReplyEdwin Eugene Aldrin Jr. is much more commonly known as Buzz Aldrin, and Buzz Lightyear is named after him.
Obviously the answer to buddy's question is "whoever was the second guy on the moon" though.
1ReplyBut if you asked most people to name the first person on the moon they’d say “Buzz Armstrong”
But Neil Armstrongs backwards is “Sgnorts Mr Alien”.
26Reply24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?
17ReplyBuzz Aldrin's name backwards is: Nird Lazzub
Leonard Nimoy's name backwards is: Yo, min! Dr. Ano El?
Benedict Cumberbatch's name backward is: HG Wells, Cthulhu Balthazor
14ReplyIt's also an anagram for "O girl, transmen!"
13ReplyWhy so complicated? Neil A. = Alien
10ReplyBecause this is not about being easy, it's about being funny
6Reply-Jesus Christ
gnort gort mfs
7ReplyHe was an alien on the moon
7ReplyThat's one small step for gnorts
6ReplyThat's "Gnorts Mr Anedl Alien", to you!
6Reply@fossilesque gnorts are gnome jorts
5ReplyAlan Tudyk has entered the chat.
5ReplyThe entire name is "Gnorts mr. anedl Alien"
Anedl is something related to AI
DC comics, aliens, the moon and AI are all related
4ReplyIt's not merely "backwards" when you apply several arbitrary rules to get the results you want.
4ReplyThanks, Sheldon
We are all Gnorts on this blessed day.
2ReplyWe can be heroes. https://i.imgur.com/hdT6mQm.mp4
2ReplyWas... :-(
2ReplyGnorts Mra, inertgalactic space explorer
1ReplyIdk how but you clearly doctored the results. The output has more energy in the form of extra punctuation than the input does. Something else was done other than a simple reflection. Please provide precise method of backwarding used.