Why is lake Baikal the only one with measurements in meters?
Feels like the map maker made a half-hearted attempt and just gave up after the first one.
Why bother making this at all if it's not to scale? Sure, nobody expects the horizontal scale to be the same as the vertical scale. Vertical exaggeration is common when displaying profiles or cross sections, but those are generally still considered to be at a particular scale. But, if the vertical scale isn't consistent, then what even is the point of the graphic? Just list some numbers in a table. Putting this in graphical form without a consistent scale is just lying and lazy.
It's the same body of water, one lake. It's just massive, and surrounds the lower peninsula of Michigan, so they gave each side of the lake a different name.
Truly it's massive, it behaves almost like the ocean in a lot of ways. A lot of water.