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Eating less beef is a climate solution. Here's why that's hard for some American men
  • While I think it's a good ideal, I have met a lot of people in my life and have no confidence that any progress will be made by leaving the solution up to them

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    Eating less beef is a climate solution. Here's why that's hard for some American men
  • So if that's the problem, government should step in and limit beef production. Why rely on everyone to "do the right thing" to solve societal problems? That's why government exists.

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    White People Have Never Forgiven Haitians for Claiming Their Freedom
  • I don't even know what they got independence from. France, hundreds of years ago? Why would I care? To equate white people with the French definitely seems racist to me.

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    Deadlock matchmaking is now open 24/7—plus there's a new, snazzier minimap and a low priority queue for sinners
  • There's no guarantee this is how it will be for long. One benefit to the current system is fast queue times, not necessarily satisfying player's desires (such as no solo lanes) or fair matchmaking (though some is involved). Faster queues means more games which means more analytics can be gathered by the devs to assist in making the game better. That's the nature of a beta/playtest.

  • On other apps, when an image or video is posted I can long press on it to copy a direct link to it. The best I could find in Voyager is to copy a link to the lemmy post or open the post in a browser. This makes it hard for me to share memes with friends who don't use Lemmy. But maybe this feature already exists and I don't know where to find it. I just started using Voyager yesterday.
