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  • When your meme doesn't do as well as expected

    That could possibly be my fault, but I don't apologize.

    As the admin of the instance this community lives on, I've taken a hard-line stance against extremist rhetoric. I've probably banned close to 100 accounts in the last few days, possibly more, because they were directly advocating murder (this follows a similar ban-wave several months ago when similar rhetoric flared up). Digital lynch mobs are not the kind of demographic I want to platform here. Having run this instance for going on 2 years, I've found temp bans and dealing with individual submissions for that sort of thing to be ineffective.

    I posted an updated Mission Statement yesterday that goes over this in more detail.

    Sorry to reduce your audience, but I do hope you can understand why.

    Edit: I hope you understand as well. If you've got concerns, please DM me and we can figure something out.

    • This post wasn't referencing anything in particular. Just making an arbitrary connection to this joke from the show. But I appreciate the transparency!

    • I'm good with it. There's a reason I rarely browse outside of "subscribed" which is mostly cats, 30 Rock, houseplants and music. Saw the meta post yesterday but was busy and didn't have time to comment on it.