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Meet Your Second Wife - SNL
  • I remember in Tina Fey's book she said she was not good at impressions and that she always just looked like herself in a wig (until Sarah Palin came along anyway). That's still kindof true, lol, but I'm glad she kept with it.

  • I don't know why it's so sped up lol.

    Edit: Re-created it so it doesn't look like 30 Rock's Salute to Benny Hill.


    Trying out a format I see in !

    1 Crisspoint for the joke or scene, 2 Crisspoints for the episode / main plot.

    All points are made up and don't matter.

    That was totally not me
  • Gotcha-day is just as good a day to celebrate. Also, you will have no shortage of confetti for the occasion! 🤣

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    That was totally not me
  • Back when I had a cat, I'd give her a brand new roll of paper towels to shred on her birthdays. Cleanup was a brute, but she enjoyed going to town on them.

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    Does What It Says on the Tin
  • I rarely browse 'all' and usually stick to my eye bleach communities. Decided to venture into 'all' this evening, and of course this would be in the top of the feed.

    Back to my curated cats, puppies, and houseplants I go. 🤣

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    Does What It Says on the Tin
  • You're not wrong, though.

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    girls' night
  • (unfortunately this was AI generated)

    Damn it. Was going to ask if they needed a 6th ranger.

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    Does What It Says on the Tin
  • This is funny, but It's not about women's bodies. It's about creating desperation among those they exploit.

    It's not not about women's bodily autonomy, though. 👩😠

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    Drugs disguised as Taco Bell burritos found during Tennessee traffic stop
  • Should have gone with Del Taco wrappers.

  • Saw this on /c/ and figured it would be fun to do one for 30 Rock.

    Seating Options / Alt Text:

    1. Between Liz and her doppelgänger friend that complains just as much
    2. Next to Frank and a now-empty sun tea jar
    3. Between Hank and Jack
    4. Between Devon Banks and Kenneth
    5. In the back next to Vlem
    6. Next to Tracy and Angie
    7. Between Jenna and Verna (who is flirting with Paul dressed as Jenna)
    8. Next to Colleen and Jonathan
    9. Next to Lutz

    I wanted to make one of the options between Grizz and DotCom, but I figured that was too much of an Airplane! joke. Also, the pharmacy was out of the pills that make you see Oprah, so no sleeping through it.

    Any women on this app?
  • At least you said "women" instead of "females" which is how these posts usually go.

  • Audio only:


    Saw someone else share their elderly cat and had to show mine
  • She looks like every selfie my dad takes. 😂

  • I'm going upstairs now to think about more comments for tomorrow.

  • One time I had to buy 40 watermelons for a local festival, and ended up having to get them from the grocery store. Didn't want to bruise them, so I filled 4 carts up and made multiple trips to the checkout. For a moment there, I was the lady from all the math problems.

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    Pennsylvania school board cancels gay '30 Rock' actor's anti-bullying talk, citing his 'lifestyle'
  • Fair enough. I tried to think of one character in Weeds who was alright, and I guess it was just Isabella (a minor character that may as well have been a lamp in the background). I guess Heylia also had her head screwed on right, but she was also a minor character.

    But yeah, I agree with that about irredeemable characters with the sole exception of "It's Always Sunny...". They're more caricatures of terrible people, IMO, so I guess that's what makes it work.

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    Pennsylvania school board cancels gay '30 Rock' actor's anti-bullying talk, citing his 'lifestyle'
  • It was pretty good until they left the suburbs (Nancy was still pretty awful, though, so your point stands). After that, it was like they tried to re-tool the show into a narconovella and failed hard.

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    What's Growing on, Beehaw?
  • Mostly deer food 🙃

    I planted 8 Asiatic lilies two weeks ago, and the deer ate them all down to the ground. And my hibiscuses. And stripped my cherry tree I planted last year down to a stick.

    Suburban deer are the worst.

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    Cute Lil gremlin
  • But Grandmother! What big eyes you have," said Little Red Riding Hood.

    "The better to see you with, my dear," replied the wolf.

    "But Grandmother! What big claws you have..."

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    What psycholgy research finding hit a little too close for you?
  • Had to Google what that was, and I immediately recalled that old episode of the Simpons. I don't think they exaggerated at all.
