Never had this, but my phone does do updates on its own at night so occasionally I have to enter my passcode. Honestly I don’t really care as long as it doesn’t affect my alarms!
I chatted with Apple support and they seemed to think the gap in the battery graph was normal if the screen was off?
I have suspicions that Focus modes also have some impact as to how the graph is displayed but haven’t confirmed it yet. The support rep seemed to think the passcode prompt was a coincidence as it’s something iPhone will prompt for after 6.5 days of not using a passcode.
I had an iPhone 15 plus that was showing a last status of “10 hours ago” in Find My. Once I called it, it immediately checked in and the battery graph on that phone showed a gap right up until the moment I called the phone.
The missing data on the graph is likely just a graphical glitch as a result of the crash.
iPhone crashes. Reboots. Data either not getting recorded or not being shown to the user due to the bug.
I doubt the phone stays off for any extended period of time, that’s a hard sell for me given it always shows the password screen. No one has yet to hold power to boot their device.
I had this, last night. My iPhone 13 Pro appeared to go off around 0100 and was still in „Sleep“ Focus in the morning (my Apple Watch, fortunately, woke me up).
The iPhone stubbornly thought it was still in „Sleep“ mode (including blanking the wallpaper off the Lock Screen) until I rebooted it at about 0900.
Had_ it last night— 2am on Oct. 11th— on my work iPhone SE2. On a wireless charger in Sleep Focus. My 14 Pro was fine both nights (Sleep focus, wired charging). Both on 17.0.3.
Wonder if Apple will make a statement as this seems to be super widespread. And it doesn’t seem like there’s any particular pattern for who it happens to.
This is happening on my 14 Pro on iOS 16. I just thought it did an overnight restart to fix any memory issues. I only started noticing it a few weeks ago.
Also happened, 15 Pro Max 17.0.3. I was also asleep but iPhone turned off between 2h and 7h. It was forced to restart at this exact time because of my alarm going off at 7h. I noticed instantly something unusual was happening as the ringtone wasn’t the usual one.
I’m in France so it didn’t happen at the same time it did in the USA.
I can't find my source for this memory, but I recall several years ago reading about Apple introducing automatic device resprings / restarts overnight. I think I still had my iPhone X at the time.
In my experience, it only happens while charging. I might have to cruise the old jailbreak subreddits to find whatever I think I'm remembering here.
Could be to save up on battery charging overnight but the passcode in the morning sucks plus what if someone tries to force a call to you (double call and such)?