Good, but not good
Good, but not good

Good, but not good
tbh this doesn't mean it's not good
Just, not as good as all the other much better things we could be having.
Or, hey you spent all day on this for a dish that is “alright“
Good enough we aren't ordering a pizza, but next time you make it, I'm ordering a pizza.
"This is probably better than Eowyn's stew."
Sometimes my wife tries these really complicated things and they are usually pretty good at least but my argument is there are other much better tasting things that are way easier to make and its just not worth it. Its like hey we can drop some chicken and veg with rice into the cooker and spend the day doing a movie marathon. Granted its like anything. She just wanted to try and do something thats a challenge, but yeah once is enough.
I’d argue this is the difference between the journey and destination of cooking. Does your wife enjoy the process of cooking?
Well I think she enjoys trying these complicated thing once in awhile, but day to day cooking probably not but maybe more than some folks. Its like anything really. Something fun once a week can be boring on a daily basis. She is certainly a better cook than I but I mean we are not even in the same ballpark there as she is particularly good and I am particularly bad.
Yeah this is how I feel about my wife and her pan fried vegetable shit she always tries to make for us
That's why I do the cooking. I know what I want, and how I like it. Win-win for everyone.
Yeah exactly. I like cooking and she always acts like im doing a favour when I cook, which is cool.
She’s good at cooking other things but when it comes to vegetables I am much better at preparing them in a way that doesn’t suck mega ass.
This is unironically how I felt about Deadpool & Wolverine. I liked it, I thought it was lots of fun, I thought it was actually a bit refreshing changing up the ratio of the ingredients in a MCU movie from what I've been used to.
But, please don't make this again. If every superhero movie from now on is absolutely riddled with winking canon goofs, barely-there cameos, and a total disregard for the idea of taking any of this at all seriously, I'm going to lose my damn mind. It worked... once. That was plenty.
Edit: Essentially, this:
But who am I kidding it made $1.3 billion, it's going to get made again.
My wife is Chinese, and I very clearly didn't know anything about her culture because REAL Chinese food is... not what I expected, and very shortly after the wedding I took over cooking. But before taking over I had this same conversation so so many times.
The first family get together with her side of the family was at a Chinese banquet hall, the tables have giant lazy susan's in the middle and they serve a 12 course meal. Almost every main was served with its head, sometimes multiple heads. You don't mind the lobster so much but when you have to look the chicken in the eye it's rather different.
She now has me make her favorite dishes, the main one being "pork bone soup" which at least in her family version contains quite a lot of chickens feet. That really took me a long time to get used to.
I live in Europe and our chicken broth, IIRC (not the one cooking) contains pig feet. But you don't serve them, they are there for taste.
Happy new year 1965!
This isn't really complaining about his wife though
Have you never lived with anyone who cooks? I've had my friends say this to me and ive said this to them and I'm not their wife lol