To be honest, I'm not into porn. But when I've watched it I've only used streaming sites. I agree with this sentiment. Streaming exists. It's not like we're still on dialup. Downloading porn in 2023 is absolutely wild to me.
To those of you saying that you download it in case your Internet goes out...are you really that tied to your porn that you can't last a day or two without it if your Internet craps out?
I save it (to a cloud) because in my experience, good porn doesn't stay up online forever. There are so many things I've seen that I'd love to see again, but can't find anymore. So now, if I really like it, I save it to my cloud storage.
I've got about 500mb in an encrypted container of my wife, that's the only thing I would ever need to store. So many free streaming sites that if I wanted to look at porn at any point I could, but the wife will provide for my needs if I ask so I usually don't have to resort to it unless she's sick.
I do repairs for a living, and once had some weirdo fuck ask if I'd accept a copy of his like...25tb collection, and just said "Dude, wtf? No."
~52 gb. At first it was "what if no internet" but now it's just for archival purposes. Like "this artist had a manic episode and deleted everything, but at least i have their best stuff downloaded"
is hentai really that popular? it's fucking weird they all look like 8 year olds with creepy gigantic eyes and laughably unrealistic tits, anime itself already feels like cartoons for degenerates
Pretty much none, I have a few pictures and a couple small videos of my favourite models for that off chance I don't have an internet connection and wanna whack it, but that's very rare.
I think I have maybe 2 gigs? One video that disappeared from the internet not long after I downloaded it and then a couple of dozen nudes from my girlfriend.