I think you forgot the question.
If it’s something along the lines of “is this why he’s still in power” I think the answer is yes. For all of Doug Ford’s faults, and there are many, he stayed out of the convoy thing, handled the COVID response OK, has mostly stayed out of social and identity issues compared to the other right wing leaders in North America, and immediately distanced himself vocally and significantly from Trump when the tide turned with the Canadian right.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t me espousing support. I wouldn’t vote Con if I was paid to (and we were). But I think he’s savvy enough to know that social politics isn’t going to bolster his support with his base it will just lose him votes in the GTA. If the goal is cronyism, lowering taxes, privatization, and making sure he can drive everywhere then those other things just distract from the goal.