If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
If your username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
By becoming a libertarian techno-warlord who dies when my company owned city state invades the nation of disney.
I died doing what I loved, making art.
I won't. You can't kill rock and roll!
Hmm chuck of some sort. either I'm turned into chuck or a drill chuck flies out of nowhere and gets me smack in the head
Too much LSD
I guess I'll burn to death and then be revived somehow
Chuckles... I'm in trouble
I dont want to think about it
Awkwardly, and involving a turtle
Walking through the park with a bauggette
I guess a NY rat
The Olive Garden waiter never heard the cue to stop so I suffocate on the fine powdery goodness
In an accident.
Damn. I thought my name meant I would shepherd in the apocalypse
Get way to high and get wrapped up in an international conspiracy
Either burned to death or covered in cum. I'm not sure which i prefer
Weird ... Is what I'd say
In a last stand against racist aliens who want to destroy mankind
Most would assume chaos, but in reality it would be my guild saying my name wrong enough times that I finally gave up and changed the "I" to an "L".
I guess I would feel colder and colder and colder and colder.....
I die in a four way sesh-to-the-death match between snoop dog, cheech, Ricky from TBP and myself.
Cold weather exposure probably.
Hmm. That's a sad way to go.
Suddenly and all over the place
The opposite of "in hiding". State religious authorities catching wind of my apostasy, and bringing me before a "religious rehab" judge. Judge delivers his sentence on me, in accordance with his religious rules. My community loses another apostate, and other like-minded individuals secretly turtle-up even further.
But hey, perks of being an apostate is having fun and leading a content life in the digital universe. So, I'm happy living in new homes that serve as permanent alternative spaces to Meta and others.
It finally caught up to me
I run away from it, but it finally catches up.
I’m not sure, but I’d die happy.
Death by giant space hamster.
Death by snusnu
After years of a cornucopia of drugs, I’ll shoot myself.
well ...
Chronic disease took its final toll
Too much acid. I ascend out of my body and never come back.
I’ll never know. I blinked.
One too many dabs
It would be whelming. Just so.
Fighting a bear for its ass in elwynn forest.
Not sure it's a secret
Genetic engineering gone wrong
Bludgeoned to death with a keyboard?