The record is now like 26 in a minute or something, by a guy who has done videos on his bird's training for years. I think the bird's name is Apollo
They have arguments over what things are, like you can't convince Apollo a lizard isn't a bug, because Apollo has understood a bug to be a little critter he could potentially eat. You can't convince him ceramic tile isn't made of rock, because he's kinda got a point
Apollo babbles to himself when he's alone too, but you know what? So do I. Especially when I'm trying to pick up a foreign language, I'll practice words until they feel natural on my tongue
And everyone seems so quick to forget Koko or label her an exception. She basically spoke in poetry, understood mortality, and described herself as a good gorilla person when asked what she was
Animals understand, it's just rare to find ones that are motivated to sit and communicate on our terms. Every "special" human trait, from language to culture to sense of self and abstract thinking seems to be pretty common, we keep finding it in many animals so we keep moving the goalposts