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  • Spent the week dealing with bedbugs & scabies (I live in Public Housing) so I am not going to let anyone in my room anymore. Or even let them stand near me, period. that was a hell week I don't ever want to go through again. Good thing I don't smoke in bed because I soaked my mattress seams with rubbing alcohol and wrapped the whole mattress with plastic and sealed it up. that seems to have gotten all the bugs quite dead. Scabies treatment is just a cream you put on your entire body, even under the fingernails, using an old toothbrush. And they gave me some pills that put your lights out (says on the information sheet that it's for putting people to sleep for surgery) so I was able to sleep the night through without itching, first time in weeks. I have had such childhood trauma and have AUDHD-- I thought , when I saw the blood spots on my sheets, that I was picking my skin again as I did in my younger years. And I just thought I had hives, which I did, but they were from the bedbug bites. Good grief I'm so vigilant now I am driving myself insane checking the bedseams over and over but I haven't seen a single one for a long time now. I feel so bad for the people in this building who can't even summon the energy to deal with this stuff so they drink themselves to sleep or take crack or meth or fentanyl or whatever. We lose a person about every month to drugs or alcohol. I gotta get out of this building lol

  • I feel pretty good. I finally saw some visual progress in my transition and I went through all of my documents and sorted them and got rid of everything I don't need anymore.

  • I'm over my cold from last week that stole my weekend from me, so I actually get to go do things. Bought new work boots today after something in my heel(s) finally said enough was enough and started hurting enough that it couldn't be ignored. All in all things are looking good.

    On an unrelated note: any ideas on how to assist someone be more concise with their language politely?

    I'm struggling to not get frustrated with the amount of preamble, staggering, and second guessing that happens on a regular basis for what should be simple conversational topics. It just takes so long to get to the point that I feel forced into a box that there's no polite way out of.