Musk’s Echo Chamber Is So Deep He Thinks People Like Him
Musk’s Echo Chamber Is So Deep He Thinks People Like Him

The world’s richest man has effectively “canceled himself,” according to The New Abnormal’s Danielle Moodie.

Musk’s Echo Chamber Is So Deep He Thinks People Like Him
The world’s richest man has effectively “canceled himself,” according to The New Abnormal’s Danielle Moodie.
People do like him. We call those people idiots.
You spelled Nazi’s wrong
Idiazis, perhaps?
He's also "on the spectrum", but using that term just makes people call you a superfan apologist, so that's off the table. "Neurodivergent" also applies, but that word is now synonymous with persecuted virtue, so no luck there. There's really no socially acceptable way to look at his behavior in any halfway objective manner, because "halfway objective" means superfan apologist. He's become an anger-only subject.
What are you even saying? The term for him is fascist.
Our echo chamber is so deep we think people hate him.
Both is true. Many still admire him, many (rightfully so) hate him. But even more people still don't care.
At a event, I openly told people that I think Musk has no place in government.
Most people nodded. But two people at the end of the table had a face of, "Whaaaaat? What do you mean? He's doing everything right!" Like this was the first time they heard of such conflict.
ya.. i think the whole algorithm is a positive feedback loop. it keep feeding us whatever we want to hear.. no matter which side we are on.. so the algorithmis IS the echo chamber..
He was a liberal darling and tech god, even during Trump's first term and a large part of Biden's.
I always thought that was kinda fishy, and that teslas were really elitist and economically wasteful, but man, he had a following and loads of people worshipping him. I have whiplash, and I can only imagine how that conditioned him.
The lesson is: don't worship people, especially living people. Even religious texts push forms of this, but that part seems to have been lost.
Having known several people who "snapped" and watching Musk for more than a decade, it really seems to me like that's what happened in his case. But I'm not psychologist. Few people on social media seem curious about the nature of behavior and motives, most just want to feel like warriors against Evil.
Yeah, it reminds me of Kanye West.
It’s a bit different when someone with so much power "snaps" though.
How are Teslas "economically wasteful" compared to other cars of a similar size?
How are Teslas “economically wasteful” compared to other cars of a similar size?
"How are Teslas economically wasteful compared to other economically wasteful things?"
Don't move goalposts.
Teslas, like all cars, are absurdly wasteful on an absolute scale. And it has fuck-all to do with the energy needed to propel them, by the way; the real waste is in the way they force cities to be ruined to shoehorn them in.
Because the model 3 is about 4000lb, and the higher tiers are even heavier. They're all super expensive, even with tax breaks. The "comparable" cars are like huge luxury vehicles or massive SUVs.
That’s the nature of pure EVs. The drivetrain may be light, but the battery is extremely heavy.
If they were eco friendly, they'd have tiny (I’m talking like 5 horsepower) cheap, ridiculously gas efficient range extenders in them instead of massive batteries, which correspondingly needs a massive chassis, suspension, fire protection systems, higher power charging and control electronics and so on. That’s the nature of the EV: they're like rockets, where you pay exponential costs for carrying more mass around because the “fuel” is so heavy. And that’s setting aside the production costs of something so massive.
And they're mostly outfitted, and sold as, luxury vehicles, with the corresponding economic costs.
…Don’t get me wrong, I think EVs are incredible, the philosophy behind teslas is cool… But a 4000lb+ compact car, or a 6,600lb personal truck, are not economical or environmentally friendly, however you slice it.
I think a lot of people have mixed up the concept of 'like' and 'envy'.
The people that supposedly 'like' him probably only feel that way because they wish to be like him (rich), but in reality that's just envy.
Also, in reality, rich people don't get rich by handing out their money, they get rich by taking all the money they can get.
Why would any intelligent person with more than two braincells in their head actually like a person that would just as soon spend your entire family's life savings in 5 seconds?
Whenever I criticize Musk, people tell me I'm jealous, like he just gets an extra cookie that I don't. No, I don't think any one person should have the power that amount of money gives him. It's a threat to democracy.
The more and more I think about this comparison, the more it makes sense: Muskrat = Pyro