I remember seeing Jet play at Leeds festival years ago. Some girl in front of us doing this, until a pint flew across the crowd and hit her lower back, splashing upward. Couldn't have got more of that liquid on her if you'd tried. We were close enough to get a bit of the spray but it was worth it to hear her as she looked down at her partner and murmured "that was warm..."
Never been to a concert where I had this problem thankfully, but it would piss me off. Everybody stuck behind her paid too, they don't wanna stare at her back or have to shuffle to see around her.
It was really good. It was just him and like 4 or 5 dancers on stage. I would’ve sworn that he had a live band playing, but it was the backing track rocking out! Was cool & everybody was really feeling it.
I really don't run into it that much! And I'm super small, so going deeper into that crowd wasn't gonna be a good look. I could see the screens anyway; that's why it was only mildly infuriating.
Not really, at least not at this festival; people were awesomely considerate of us shortfolk. If you look around you can see she was the only person up like that. BUT I wasn't super upset & could still see the screens. That's why I figured it was a good one for mildly infuriating.