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Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023

Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Breaking news: cats are pretty nice.

  • Second last walk / ball throwing adventure for hams.

    3 days of 1.5hrs of pure ball throwing until he refuses in the morning, 1.5hrs of ball throwing / socialising with other doggos in the evening seems to be a solid strategy with him.

    Also had a pug and sausage dog have a go at him and he freaked out a bit which is a bit ridiculous. The pug was so imbred it could hardly breathe.

    then he complains about leaving the dog park only to walk home at a snails pace and collapse in the kitchen.

  • My shingles is scabbing, but due to the location it keeps cracking open and weeping, and it's making me fucking miserable. Also, keeping the heating on to keep me warm while I can't really wear a shirt is making my skin awfully dry, which is making my other skin problems play up.

    I just want it to be over, but I was warned it may be a long time before that happens... ughhhhhhhhhhh

    Sorry for the whinge.

  • Oh Botty

    Well, you came and you posted our Daily

    We did while you were away

    Oh Botty

    Well, you've worked and you stopped us from posting

    And we thank you today

    Oh Botty

  • I’ve hit serious burnout. Can hardly function. Weekends spent resting. According to the self care podcasts I listen to, I should schedule a getaway somewhere nice to unwind for a week or two. Lol.

    No leave - new job. Too much responsibility at home to be able to walk away. What am I supposed to do? Monthly therapy isn’t helping. Mindfulness can get stuffed. Thankful for my cat.

    I’m the strong person who pushes though, and people say “you’ll be fine, you’ll work it out, you’re the smart person” etc. I just can’t.

  • Incoming pity party: made it to the interview stage of a role that I really felt aligned so well with my skillset only to be told today that again, I was the runner up and there was just someone better. I really had to fight the urge not to full-on cry on the phone when they told me because I was so devastated. I was basically manifesting in my head my future with this job all week (probably not the best idea) because I thought I was such a good candidate and thought the interview went well. It's very rare for these roles to appear that suit my experience so I really felt almost like it was made for me but now all that hope is....gone. The only feedback they could give was just it went to someone who had different organizational skills so now I feel like maybe I just suck at what I do if there's people out there who can do it better.

  • I gave little dog a kangaroo jerky stick and now he won't leave me alone. I'm his best friend ever.

  • Sigh I think I'm about to get dressed and go to impulse-buy a PS5 coz the Spider-Man 2 bundle is on sale and I want it. I guess it's not an impulse-buy considering I've thought about it for months but I didn't plan on buying a PS5 today or even this year when I woke up this morning.

    Let's just call it a reward for having my apartment and car clean and my life more organised or something.

  • Beautiful moment in the CBD. At the tramstop at the top end of Collins st waiting for my tram. On the opposite tramstop a late middle aged gent in jeans and a band tshirt with fairy wings on his back - dancing to music only he could hear. And the son of a gun could dance pretty good. Felt like joining in, but was carrying too much shopping.

  • Hello good people. How it going?

  • welcome back 🔋

  • Well it turned into a lovely arvo. Cheers everybody. 🍺

  • I tripped over at work yesterday and I thought I'd hurt my wrist but the pain today is just below my elbow, so I'm off to the doctor and to hopefully get an X-ray. It's my right arm and I'm right handed so that's annoying and my arm is getting sorer and sorer. I'm lucky I filled in an incident form for the fall. I really hope it's not serious but the pain is serious enough I'm worried it is.

  • Good bot

  • Finished binding the edges of my fave quilt, it was getting a bit frayed, and then washed it. More masks have been made. Made some scones for afternoon tea. Still heaps to do. 🥴

  • Still no wallet.

    I’ve backtracked all my stops since I know I last had it, I’ve been to the cop shop to ask if it’s been handed in, I’m tearing my house apart…


  • 1964 The House Of The Rising Sun The best karaoke song of all time. You bet I belted that one out. The door's open so the neighbours got to hear. Lucky ducks.

    P.S. Everytime I call for an intermission the man plays Metallica.

  • Still up..

    What’s up everyone? ✨

  • So much to do and it's already one of those days. I sewed a button onto the wrong side of the cuff. 🤓 Bought dark green ribbon for a belt instead of black

  • I'm currently in Korea, however their drivers make Melbourne drivers look completely sane.

    Red light running is common (however they have right turn on red), and no one stays in their lanes when turning.

  • I feel like I’m in limbo at the moment.

    I have no motivation or/and no idea what I want to do right now.

    Only thing on my mind is making a coffee at the moment and sipping it.

    Argh! I hate when I feel like this

  • Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

  • I need to get to work, but I can’t find my wallet

  • Welp... I bought a PS5 during my lunch break. Now to be fair, it's $679, the disc version AND I get Spider-Man 2 for free (for non-gamers, Spider-Man 2 came out less than a month ago and it's usually priced between $100 and $125 depending on where you get it from). I mean I put it all on Afterpay, but I only have to spend $169.75 every fortnight so yay!

    Besides I also don't have to a) borrow my partner's PS5 when I put my hand up to review a PS5 game for my 2nd job b) when PS5 exclusive games are up for review I can actually do it without having to worry about a. and c) Play PS5 games when I want and don't have to wait every 2nd weekend for my partner to bring their PS5 or I go to their place and play it.

  • Two interviews lined up for today. Just when I had decided I was going to try the world of freelancing, my current work asked if I was interested in doing a secondment outside of my organisation (which could turn into a permanent job). Maybe I am. AND then a job I applied for a while ago has come out of the woodwork. Is the world trying to tell me something?

  • Just listened and danced to Dancing Queen Staying Alive and YMCA. Haven't even hit the 80s yet.

  • packing done, need to dismantle table and pack up my pc but shall do that early morning. sent a couple msgs to the airtasker dude to confirm the pick up tomorrow but no response and that's stressing me out :<

    worst case, will ask a friend to get a van from bunnings (?) and help me move. gosh moving is so stressful!

    Edit: dude replied, we're on!

  • The countdown is gonna begin soon. The theme: #1 Top billboard song of the year, of every year starting with 1950's Good Night Irene by The Weavers and ending in 2000.

    Anyone want to guess a song and a year? Put your money on folks.

  • Noodling around and saw that old 7 Red Lines video turn up in suggested on YouTube. I clearly blanked out the INHUMANE PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE that is watching that video because I stupidly clicked and only made it halfway through before ragequitting and now I have all this pent up fury and trauma.

  • Hello brains trust! Any cunning ideas what I can do with this? I’ve 3m of 150 and it is not a garment fabric. Lite hessian? Good for shopping bags but I certainly don’t need that many. black  gold cat print fabric

  • Damn FRL, is it happening or is it not, what a shambles. I'm gonna guess their usual council contact has changed and they've fucked up the permit application with no Mr Niceguy to smooth things over.

  • Finished my Jane Eyre (2006) rewatch, now to not let myself watch everything Ruth Wilson has ever done (again), that woman is insane.

    Honestly, the chemistry in the 2006 version is absolutely off tits, and for that reason alone it will always be my favourite adaptation of Jane Eyre.

  • Hey... just throwing it out there. Is it possible to miss being diagnosed with something like Crohns even after seeing specialists for many years and finally getting thrown in the too hard basket?

    Did anyone else in this situation ever get an answer?

  • The man refuses to play Katy Perry, A-ha, Midnight Oil, Tears For Fears. This is why I married him. He makes me laugh. Plus he buys me stuff.

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