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Someone needs help

  • A picture of a rifleman for help

  • Communities like this always skeeve me out. I know that I'm just being cynical, but random internet strangers aren't really a great place to go to get information and help if you are in one of these circumstances. At best you'll end up in an echo chamber of people who will just keep you on the same downward spiral, and at worst you'll run into someone who will try to take advantage of your vulnerability. Sure, there may be some out there that are qualified to help, but their voice will be drowned out by the throngs of, "Yeah! Fuck your parents! Hop a train!" and "Hey, I've got a warm van you can sleep in if you need some place."

    • Same with real people out there. I grew up in conflict with my parents before the internet and had the exact same issues you describe, just offline. it comes down to taking any and every advice with a grain of salt, no matter. Online and offline self help groups can be great, and life saving.

      • I wish more people like you were on lemmy. I see too many good takes being down and bad takes being upvoted by bigotted, cynical or plain ignorant people.

        Being taken advantage of is a big problem that needs to be adressed. „Dont get help online.“ is the stupidest take I‘ve seen in years.

    • For some of us, rather than an echo chamber, it's just validation of our experiences and learning the language to describe abuse. You can't get help unless you know what you're getting help for. And when you learn to recognize gaslighting and manipulation, you can begin to counter it.

      • Yeah, people don't realize that people with abusive parents have been raised to believe that abuse is normal - even good for them. The first major hurdle is getting someone to realize that there's even a problem to fix, or that the problem to fix isn't themselves.

    • What would you suggest people who are going there looking for help do instead? Pay for therapy they can't afford or just suffer in silence? You make it sound like people are literally weighing therapy and professional help against online communities as though they are both equally accessible options.

      So in other words, you have the choice and assume most others do too?

    • They can be helpful if you view them light heartedly as anonymous support groups where you can vent real quick. Not as actual qualified resources.

      • I'm sure they can be mildly helpful if you have a light-hearted disposition about your narcistic cult-parents who you are planning to run away from...

    • What are you talking about? They're the best people to ask for advice. Who are you going to trust more? Some random "professional" who has read about your issue in a book once and been to a couple lectures or an army of people who lived through hell and are dedicated to helping others and making sure they don't go through the same? As for people who would take advantage, well yeah. They exist in every group but they're actually less likely to exist in these communities because they're the type of people we've been burned by. We know how to spot them and chase them off. I also have absolutely no clue what you mean by downward spiral. The communities in the screenshot all explicitly for people who got out of horrific situations. How is that a downward spiral, exactly?

      Yeah, you are being cynical. Extremely so.

  • Hey good to see !raisedbynarcissists is growing as it was previously dead.

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