Mushrooms. The first few will probably be pretty rough, but you'll quickly start to see the possibilities with different textures, shapes, adding gills underneath, etc. If the clay is different colors you can get buck wild. After fewer than you think you'll probably be pretty good at them. You can even screw in a hook at the top and turn them into ornaments for friends and family if that's your thing.
Variation: a soup bowl with a sculpted bottom so that you serve someone their soup and they slowly discover the lurking horror/humor as they eventually work their way down. Can also use for dips, nuts or small candies.
Also, we shall require pictures of your endeavors in a couple of days.
Seriously, though, Betty Edwards' "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition", would be a major augmentation of your exploring,
and faces are what most people are wired-for best.
( I'm face-blind: I didn't know ANYONE could identify another person by their face, until I was in my 30's or 40's, & read about that.
I've always used context+way-of-moving+how-the-sound+clothing+etc to figure it out )