After this second Beta, there will be two Release Candidates, one on the 10th and the other on the 31st of January. All these releases are **not** final, they are for testing and should not be used in production...
... But many people are confirming that the current version is already very mature and quite stable. Ultimately it is your choice. Use at your own risk -- and report all those bugs to ooooh yes. The alpha was a bit too unstable for my taste, but I already love the first beta (and of course reported quite some bugs) and now totally look forward to more and more stable versions
Simply wanna say how stoked I am to try this once it hits Arch, out of beta. Been following the development of this via Nicco Loves Linux on YouTube, and the hype has only continued to build. Let's go!
@zak@kde kde unstable on arch has been working beautifully. Some errors happen. I expect the submitted reports are useful for making the release perfect.
Hmm, if you count something based on Ubuntu as being Debian based (some people do, some people don't) then I believe that is exactly what KDE Neon is supposed to be!
Hmm.. does it have any telemetry? I'm worried about user data collection. I know Ubuntu has that. It's fairly easy to remove but I'd rather not have it to begin with.
Pretty sure it is only configured like that to show off the new wallpaper through the video. I don't think I've ever seen a distro ship KDE with a rotating wallpaper (its always a static one, whether its KDE's main wallpaper, or the distro's selected wallpaper).
You can have a wallpaper slideshow. That said, the default is a change every 10 minutes and not every 2 seconds like here. But as we don't know the final winner of the wallpaper contests yet, we decided to run through the six finalists (which we do know and are public).