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Man Bites Dog (1982 480p)
  • I watched it recently. Not for the faint of heart. It left me troubled.

    If you want to watch it, you have to be okay watching scenes of gruesome gang rape and extreme violence that's made to look real.

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    Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • Just came back from vacation in southern France and I've been listening to kitch 80's-90's French pop for two weeks. Like:

    • Les sunlights des tropiques by Gilbert Montagné
    • Nuit de folie by Début de soirée
    • Les démons de minuit by be Images
    • Banana split by Lio

    Things like that.

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    RFK Jr says he faces federal investigation for beheading whale
  • The whale was dead though.

    RFK wanted the whale's head to use the skull as a trophy or something like that.

    I don't think OP was trying to defend RFK. Just stating the facts.

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    One big happy family.
  • I don't get the Gnome desktop. The vanilla one is unusable without adding a ton of extensions. But I do appreciate the simplicity in the settings.

    I love KDE in the way that it keeps the traditional desktop paradigm that we're all used to, but their configs are way too complex. There's too much in one place.

    In fact I've been thinking of trying out LXQT for simplicity's sake.

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    China to raise retirement age for first time in decades as demographic crisis looms
  • Speaking of which. I recently visited Monaco and the French Riviera and the account of wealth and opulence has radicalized me. As if the cost of living wasn't enough to do so already.

    I could write a book about how mad I am at our governments who enable these rich fucks while asking the rest of us to make sacrifices. .

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    One big happy family.
  • Debian is great. The Ubuntus just add a few quality of life features that make it slightly better in my opinion.

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    What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • Mine will probably be Bottles.

    The team behind that application did a fantastic job. Wine was due for something much more user friendly like this. And integration with Proton, allowing 3D acceleration is the cherry on top.

  • Anyone tried Lubuntu with LXQT desktop lately? Especially for Linux gaming using Steam/Proton/Bottles, etc?

    One big happy family.
  • security patches for community packages (instead of waiting on community patches)

    I'm not sure I understand that part. Is Canonical implementing the patches instead of the open source project/package developers? I'm confused.

  • Je ne sais pas si vous regardez la cérémonie de clôture des jeux paralympiques, mais le spectacle musical est vraiment malade. Vraiment le meilleur de la french touch musicale.


    Like the title says. There are communities whose purpose is to just repost Reddit posts using bots and they're flooding my front page. I'd like to block it using Jerboa. Is it possible? Or can it be done via the web interface?


    Currently, we vote for one representative per riding. The issue with that is that (hypothetically) one riding could have a million people and another could have 100 people. But both of them would have the same amount of power in Parliament because 1 riding = 1 mp.

    How would that work in a proportional election system? Is there one candidate per X number of citizens in an area? Wouldn't cities be over represented? Wouldn't there be one candidate to cover very large sparsely inhabited areas that might not have the same needs from one spot to another?

    I'm really curious how this would be implemented.

    7 Le gouvernement du Canada lance une consultation sur le droit à la réparation en vue de mieux répondre aux besoins des consommateurs -

    Les Canadiens s’attendent à juste titre à ce que leurs achats, qu’il s’agisse d’une laveuse, d’une sécheuse ou d’un téléphone, demeurent en état de fonctionnement pendant des années. C’est pourquoi le gouvernement du Canada s’est engagé à faciliter la réparation des électroménagers et appareils élec...



    I've installed Ubuntu 24.04 on my original MS Surface Pro tablet and it works very well except for a few flaws here and there. I've heard KDE Plasma has better touchscreen support and features so I decided to give it a whirl using a live USB key.

    So far so good, but there's only one really crucial part that I'm missing: an on screen virtual keybaord. This doesn't even come out of the box with the distro?

    SO far I've tried onboard but the damn thing segfaults seconds after being opened.

    Do you have any recommendations for on screen virtual keyboards in KDE Plasma? Preferably something QT based that integrates well with KDE.

    3 [Couverture en direct] Un lock-out sans précédent au CN et au CPKC

    Les deux principaux opérateurs de chemins de fer au Canada ont mis leurs 9300 travailleurs en lock-out un peu après minuit, jeudi.

    https:// /r/FarnellMorisset/

    Ça fait drôle d'enfin mettre un visage sur un utilisateur Reddit avec qui j'ai longtemps échangé.

    6 Sondage sur un train Québec-Toronto | Un TGV, s’il vous plaît !

    Un train à grande vitesse (TGV) ou un train à grande fréquence (TGF) entre Québec et Toronto ? Un TGV, s’il vous plaît ! disent les Canadiens.

    12 Northvolt rejettera nickel et lithium dans l’air et l’eau

    Northvolt promet que les rejets dans l'atmosphère et dans la rivière seront limités, sous les normes. Mais certaines normes n'existent pas encore au Québec.


    I've always disabled that feature since it doesn't play nice with Linux and it seemed complicated for no real benefit.

    Have any of you tried installing Ubuntu with secure boot? Is it complicated? What's the process like?

    4 Québec pose des gestes pour réduire l’immigration temporaire

    Le PTET sera gelé pour six mois à Montréal et un projet de loi sera déposé pour « mieux encadrer » la venue d'étudiants étrangers.

    1 Une filiale d’Hydro-Québec démarre son premier projet aux États-Unis

    Stockage d’énergie Evlo vient d’inaugurer un premier système de stockage d’énergie par batterie au Vermont.

    1 Partage d’une vidéo anti-Israël : un dirigeant du SCFP exprime ses regrets

    Le président du SCFP Ontario a exprimé ses regrets, après avoir partagé sur Facebook une vidéo controversée dénonçant Israël pendant les Olympiques.

    1 How to Use Google Drive in Linux

    No official Google Drive client is available. But, you have good alternative methods and tools to use it on Linux!

    I'm soon going to transition to full Kubuntu and remove Windows from my PC. I've been looking for alternatives to a lot of the stuff I use and this one was a bit problematic. Or so I thought.

    I'm also going to migrate from Google to Proton at the same time and it looks like some of these tools support Proton Drive as well!
