Time is a rule circle
Time is a rule circle

Time is a rule circle
It's really not going to be Boeing's decade, is it?
I'd be happy with going back to 2019 tbh
Covid 2 here we gooooo
I'd like to say we'd do way better if we got a second go at it with hindsight, but we all know there's no fucking chance seeing how many people still think Covid isn't real.
Boeing should just give up. Yuropoors are way better at metal bird building.
Well, if tightening the screws is all it takes...
Great use of the format holy shit
I like the way her smartphone matches her shirt. That is one stylish lady.
Yes, and the calendar squares matches the yellow jacket design.
Ooh la-la
It's like poetry. It rhymes.
Common Boeing L
Please don't tell me it's actually been 5 years...