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  • I am eating chicken nuggets!!!! I can not taste them and they are probably a terrible choice for my first solid food, but chicken nuggets!!!

  • It's been a long-ass day, so many calls,
    \ So many people staring at their walls,
    \ Calling us to do some dirty, hard work.

    I'm trying so hard to talk to them all,
    \ Tell them we'll pick them up when they fall,
    \ I start at 10am, it's the only real perk.

    I tell myself I'm not burning out,
    \ It's just a busy period,
    \ It's what this job is all about,
    \ I tell myself I'm not burning out,
    \ It's just a busy period,
    \ I'm just a bit worn out.

    • so many hugs

      and have a beer or two on us ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿป

  • I've made a new post named Tucker Time on ! replacing What's for dinner? That way you can post about your breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.

    It would be great if you could contribute unless of course if you live on air. Thank you.

  • i got stuck into some sorting and decluttering today, and decided to pull out a bunch of stuff for hard rubbish. I went to book it in and apparently the collection people are taking a Christmas break and there are no collections until February. Oops.

  • So sore and tired , no cooking, I'm having gyoza for dinner ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸฅŸ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ

  • I am caretaker free today, so I am donning a mask and gloves and taking care of myself. I am very curious to see how I go considering I'm going to attempt quite a few chores today.

    My mouth and throat feel good today so I might have a go at some scrambled egg or something as well, exciting times!

  • Rental car (from my insurance) sorted.
    I asked for a small car and got a Mitsubishi SUV (not sure what model, no badges on the outside).
    Annoyingly, I can't get it to sync with my phone via bluetooth so I'll have to use Android Auto and plug it in via USB, which means no Deezer. Sigh.
    Driving it has been... a learning curve, especially when I hit three red lights in two minutes. Ah well.

    • Deezer's site says they have Android Auto support. Should be there as an app.

    • The manual will be in the glove box, it'll state the model of the car. If it's a rental, there's a good chance the blue tooth profiles are filled up, and you'll need to delete some previous users.

  • I have encountered the most saddest Apple strudel.

    The pastry was so thick and claggyโ€ฆ I could only eat the filling.

    • This has made me angry ๐Ÿ˜ก

      • Oh, it was not good. I have made a cheat one with frozen pastry that was better, even days later.

    • mmm, it should be light and fluffy

      at home if it's a problem brush the pastry with beaten egg before making the pie and that will help stop it going soggy

      • I know! I already knew something was wrong when I spent a minute trying to sever the end bit of pastry. I should have taken a photo.

  • Been applying for a few jobs recently and actually getting calls (interviews lined up for next week). One in particular is fairly senior and not related to what I've done (can argue that my experience is transferable) and the manager I spoke to is very keen to interview me.

    Might have to do some sleuthing to find out more about the team and culture in the place.

  • Work goes so much faster when you have something genuinely interesting to investigate. Accidentally stayed late, I never do that!

  • Cats are weird and full of surprises. I got a pot plant off the footpath, a bromeliad in flower, it has nice pink and purple spikes. Ted Cat loves it!! He's playing with leaves, hiding under and behind it, sniffing it all over. He's very cute. ๐Ÿ˜บ He is now half asleep on the sofa pooped out.

  • Wow, I slept terribly. To be expected. Donโ€™t usually sleep well out of my own place, but this one takes the cake.

    I had a dream that I was back home (home wasnโ€™t quite home), but I realise I have no recollection of packing up my site and Iโ€™m trying to get back. Iโ€™m panicking in my dream because it feels so real that I really have no recollection whatsoever.

    I finally make it back and I think Iโ€™m at my site and I realise Iโ€™m at the wrong site and I go to walk a little further and then I wake up in my tent.

    There was a ton more details like Tim Roth and couple of people I used to know in my dream, but that one point in my dream where I thought it was real or questioning reality, freaks me out.

    Thatโ€™s the first time thatโ€™s ever happened.

    Hmm, maybe we really are in the Matrixโ€ฆ