Lemmy since the reddit collapse
Lemmy since the reddit collapse

Lemmy since the reddit collapse
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I forgot how ignorant and self-righteous Reddit liberals were. The ones I've seen are easily the loudest and dumbest people on this network of federated instances. They have their "conviction" and "is wrong" sliders completely maxed out.
Your post is literally “DuMb LIbrhULS” with bonus noise. Self-projecting much?
You're right I haven't completely purged the liberal inside me and I hate myself for it being there still ::: spoiler spoiler
Since you can’t see the irony in your initial comment, let me spell it out for you in a way you might be able to understand:
You drone on about maxed convictions while being wrong. But, you’re literally doing the same thing that you whine pointlessly about: your original comment is nothing but a shitty, baseless generalized opinion about a large group of people, with zero substance.
But you keep fighting the fight, big dog!
Thank you so much for showing me that not every liberal I meet here will be ignorant and self-righteous. I can no longer say that has been the totality of my experience with them. I now have hope that my next encounter will be just as positive as this one was.
Ah cute, still nothing of substance to say. Stay peachy!
Yeah, I’m the smug one for telling off this guy who blurts shit like “liberals are the loudest and dumbest people on here!”
Get a fucking clue, dude.
I’m sorry. This was not an attempt to misgender.
Does my username make me look like a dude to you? Why are liberals so fucking awful? It's only ever you. Nobody in the left does this.
"All liberals are evil right-wing transphobes because someone called me 'dude'," might be the most... Eh, fuck it, this is why humanity deserves to burn. The whole earth is a circus and we clowns, as a species, will all get what we deserve.
No, we think you're right wing transphobes because you throw us under the bus the second that caring about us is no longer trendy
Your lack of social understanding is showing through. Maybe if you lived in any of the countries you disparage all day long (or just did something useful and constructive with your life besides troll farming), you might understand that “dude” is gender neutral these days. But sure, I’m sorry if my usage of “dude” really exacted a heavy load of social injustice upon you.
I live in the US and disparage it all day. That's productive.
Go fucking fuck yourself you fucking piece of shit. Talking about other people's sOcIaL uNdeRsTandIng while you're fucking misgendering people AND JUSTIFYING IT AS IF YOU'RE A FUCKING VICTIM once you're called on it. You're rancid scum and I hope we get fucking defederated so we don't have to deal with filth like you.
Maybe if you lived in any of the countries you disparage all day long
Most of the users on Hexbear are American and a decent number of the remainder are Brits and Aussies. Our criticisms do not come from having never received the privilege of witnessing these countries being shit first-hand, as much as you might like to pretend it's only those dirty foreigners not understanding your national glory.
She literally has her pronouns in her display name mf, it's not that hard
My lack of social understanding? Gender neutral?
I have to smash through the wall like Hbomberguy right now
"DO YOU FUCK DUDES? AnomalousBit?"
Do you go around telling other people that you fuck dudes? What do other people assume you mean when you say that you fuck dudes?
You could have just been like "Yeah you're right, sorry." but instead you doubled down on being a transphobic dickhead and literally proved my point about liberals being shitbags.
I don't know a single trans person that views dude as a gender neutral term, the only people spouting that nonsense are transphobic cis dudes like you who make up excuses to misgender and harass us. Go die in a house fire, reactionary cissie shit.
"Dude" can be gender neutral but given the context of it in your response it really fucking looks like a microaggression against her for being trans
Look, you started hot in this thread but tired after a few comments. They adjusted, you didn't, and you got rocked; it happens. Hit the showers and we'll get after it early tomorrow with some film.
A guy named “420blazeit69”, who is clearly some kind of shitty LLM wielding troll farmer from his comment history, told me I got rocked. Guess I better call it a day!
second world
dunk on a lib and a racist bleeds
He's a transphobe, too. They all are.
Sorry your government (most likely Russia or China) is so shitty they have to pay you to (poorly) convince the rest of the world that they are even close to being as awful as them. I said nothing about any one's race, but you're doing great at redirecting.
I said nothing about any one's race
Earlier in the same comment:
Sorry your government (most likely Russia or China)
"Anyone who disagrees with me is being paid by China or Russia"
lol. lmao, even.
second world
I am SHOCKED to see xenophobia, racism, and chauvinism from a liberal anti-communist
Once you troll farmers start to lose control of the arguments, you always end up here in THEEIR RacIST, SEXiST HOMOpHobEs because you know you can't keep up the focus on the subject.
Hey buddy, you didn't reply to my earlier post about Guaido getting owned. Running away from your emotions won't make them go away. Cmon, let's sit down and have a chat about how you feel. Does that make you mad?
I always say that the second a liberal is criticised for being insensitive that they start sounding like a boomer Republican arguing on Facebook.
Thank you for proving that to the entire thread here.
You are one pathetic loser!
Hey! Do me a favor since you’re sitting next to 420blazeit69 at the troll farm. Tell him you guys better start winning some of these online arguments or else you’re both going back to live in the shitty commie blocks, drinking nasty ass potato vodka all day!
We are the pigs with whom you wrestle in the mud
It's not about whether one wins or loses. It's about you losing.
Man i wish we all lived in commie blocks...
How Guaido doing these days lmao Does it make you mad the "elected" president is never going to actually be president lol
Enjoy your stay at political re-education camp when you step out of line. Oh wait… the bigger joke is that you might have an original thought!
Your entire history on Lemmy is malding over Guaido getting BTFO. How mad does that make you feel? Don't be shy.
Is there a base case or do the layers of irony go on to infinity?
Person: says something
Another person: this other person has no nuance
Yet another person: this other person has no nuance, ironically
Yet another person: this other person has no nuance, ironically
(ad infinitum)
Maybe this is just dialectics, although a little snarky
Dialectics require sublation
This might be a “deep” and thought inspiring comment if the original post wasn’t calling liberals the loudest and dumbest people here. Yours was a nice try at establishing a false equivalence.
Great job carrying water for this moron, though!
It was a joke actually, I'm not that invested in this thread lol
"communists are liberals"
Okay just... there's no such thing as 'self' projecting. It's just projecting. That's redundant.
And nothing they said is untrue. What kind of self flagellation is required to just say a type of political person is bad? Do you need permission from a conservative to talk shit about their faults?
You can project lots of different things. marx_mentat was attempting to project how liberals are the "Loudest and Dumbest" people on here. But in reality, he was really... self-projecting... oh shit. Did you see that? How that makes sense now? Nice try.
minors aren't allowed on this website.
I feel like I just stumbled upon a self projection loop.
Wow, awesome "no u" defense.
They are a hexbear user. All the content coming in from that instance is "DuMb LiBrUlS"
In fairness dumb liberals have a hegemonic control of media, government, culture, and public opinion in the US and most of the EU, with the exception being almost entirely fascists.
I hate to quote a fascist beast like Patton, but; " "They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards."
We don't have to go looking for liberal ignorance, violence, cowardice, and foolishness. It's everywhere in every direction.
Woah there, you can't forget about the Russia/China apologia as well
Says the natoid lmao
Two things can actually be bad at once you know. Understanding geo politics doesn't mean support. The world isn't a marvel movie.
Not only can 2 things be bad but 2 things can be different degrees of bad.
I'd rather live in a country where I can openly criticize those in power without risk to my personal well-being and have the possibility for pushing my government towards positive ends.
Yeah there's some risk associated with protesting in the US but at least I don't have to worry about the going to the gulag or a tiananmen square situation.
I mean, I should have known you'd regurgitate the propaganda, but it's always a disappointment anyway. Such a stupid response, too. That's basically a non-sequitur. For one, there being two evils does not necessitate siding with the lesser. You can acknowledge there are no good guys, and instead pick the position most likely to lead to the least amount of suffering over all. That is and will always be peace, but you blood thirsty natoids just can't imagine that. Your response is also dumb as hell given that modern Russia is a capitalist state, not the USSR lmao. Bringing up Gulags is a bit like bringing up slave plantations in the USA.... except the USSR is actually completely dissolved so its even less relevant. For the record, the US still legally permits slavery in the instance of criminal conviction. Say, sure would be wild if the US disproportionately policed and convicted black and brown people, wouldn't it? That'd seem like a loophole legitimizing slavery over time! But that's just whatabouttism so feel free to ignore it like a good little natoid. You're grossly ignorant regarding tiananmen square as well, but I won't bother citing anything since you'll just dismiss it out of hand.
Instead, I'll ask what are your thoughts on the repression of Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Ireland Independence, French Yellow Vests/Public Benefits/Police Racism, and so on and so forth in "Free" and "Democratic" countries? What about the United States having the highest incarceration rate in the world, largely filled with black and brown people subjected to forced labor while in prison? What would happen if your "protest" did more than carry signs in publicly designated and permitted areas? Wouldn't you be beaten, arrested, and convicted under the fullest extent of the law? So sorry that you're so cucked you can't imagine doing more than asking your leaders nicely for change and politely going home when they say no, but real protest is certainly illegal in "Free" Western countries, and if you ever actually engaged in it you'd see exactly how brutal those governments can be.
Principled communists aren't unapologetic supporters of every single thing socialist countries do/have done, but we take issue with the nakedly hypocritical framing from Western powers. The atomic unit of propaganda is emphasis. You ignorantly reduce entire foreign countries to a single word/event while myopically ignoring the conditions before and after, but hem and haw and whine about nuance and procedure and the necessity of the barbarity around us every day... When you're not ignoring it outright that is. That's what makes you a useful idiot to our own system of oppression. It's an embarrassment.
Yeah there's some risk associated with protesting in the US but at least I don't have to worry about the going to the gulag
Good thing protestors in the US and UK don't get arrested on flimsy charges or crippled or murdered by cops
Snowden, Assange, manning, dozens of maimed protestors and the largest prison system in the world would like a word with you after seeing what you just posted here.
I swear to god I'll buy sync premium if they give the ability to sort by controversial. This is the stupidest more redditesque thread I've run into and i don't want to miss anymore.
Stop for the slop god
I'll take that over believing pig shit memes are reasonable discourse any day.
Make pig shit comments, get pig shit replies
I guess that's why it's so popular on hexbear. Thanks for clearing that up.
It does explain why you see it so much
::: spoiler spoiler
Axiom 1: one must first view ppb in order to post ppb.
Axiom 2: one must first make a ppb comment in order for someone to reply with ppb.
We were all libs once. Except me. I'm the one true socialist.
I defy you to find a use of that that wasn't preceded by something that deserves to literally be shit upon. I dare you.
Do you think that is intended as discourse? Or might it be intended as the opposite of that?
Nothing from hexbear is intended as discourse. That is why people want to defederate from you.
What does this mean lmfao, leftists discuss shit ad nauseum, have you even met a leftist