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Gen Z Truth Rule
  • I think it means "to request another to assess your appearance"

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    It's rule for me
  • Straight up if I'm not active for like a week I start getting stiff and sluggish

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    Cuisine rule
  • NGL that actually sounds pretty fire

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    It's rule for me
  • It's pretty rare for me, but my activity level is also hella high so I'm no stranger to waking up sore

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    It's rule for me
  • Way younger than 30

    Shit 30 isn't even old

    I don't feel indestructible like I did at 20 but damn do I feel great

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    Quotes from my friend
  • For me that was basically all the not science, math, PE, or art classes.

    All trying harder in those classes did was make me feel shittier when I failed.

    Managed to graduate on time though through a Herculean effort of basically doing 3 years of high school during my senior year after my guidance counselor figured out that I could do online classes to make up credits during the school year.

    I flew through that shit like a rocketship through the stratosphere all because he said that he wanted to see how far I could get in one year because he "got the clearance" to give me as much as I could take and that he believed in me.

    It felt good to have someone believe in me for once.

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    Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • That's really interesting about Sharpies, I would have never known that about Sharpies.

    Edit: I accidentally the word "never" above.

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    That door must be very heavy
  • This meme is above my tax bracket

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    One big happy family.
  • Slack there.

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    One big happy family.
  • Slack here!

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    One big happy family.
  • Slack here!

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    The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • To me long nails are ick

    The longer the more ick

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    One big happy family.
  • Slack there!

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    The world is rule, but still, you find reasons to keep living
  • It can be as simple as, "Someone has to feed my cat tomorrow," which was one I used back in the day

    Hell a number if years ago when I was really low it was as simple as, "The poor bastard that finds me will be scared by the sight."

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    OPR Newly released Mummified Models added to my army!
  • Hell yeah those are some good paint jobs!

    I haven't painted mine yet but yours are definitely going to be on my mind when I do

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    Poll: Americans favor Supreme Court term limits, oppose more justices
  • The median voter. So yes, the clueless.

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  • NGL it wasn't until you pointed them out did I see the towers

    FML I laughed way too hard at that

  • - YouTube

    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

    I'm a Bi dude and literally get so tongue tied sometimes I sound like Porkie Pig

    Poll: Americans favor Supreme Court term limits, oppose more justices
  • Having a supreme court justice for each judicial district seems like a good idea to me, for a total of 13.

    And also having term limits would be great.

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    When they ask to install Linux for them
  • I was so happy when I found it

    It's so goddamn easy to use!

    Link for those that want to try it out

  • Begin image description

    A giant bear like creature (known as an alot) stands roaring next to a small baby. Text is above the alot that says, "Alot more dangerous" and text under the baby says, " less dangerous." All this is imposed on a yellow background.

    End image description

    Context and source


    NGL I'm super excited for the games and the hype photos

    I've got more shots to take for the different factions I've been printing but I'm quickly getting through them that's for sure

    Edit: Quickly getting through the printing, not the hype shots. I've only gotten 2 hype shots done so far: 1 for the War Daemons and 1 for the Dwarfs.


    I've been printing a lot of minis lately and NGL one of my favorite parts about doing so is doing little photoshoots with my weird lenses and some weird editing.


    I've been printing a lot of minis for some tabletop wargaming lately and one of my favorite parts about it is doing little photoshoots of them with my odd lenses.


    Was scrolling through the Discord group my friends and I have for shit posts and I had to share this.

    She's definitely getting my vote this election, there's no way I'd vote for the naked mole rat.


    Probably not a problem for everyone but it was a problem I was running into where my meds weren't being as effective towards the bottom of the bottle and then would work great after a refill.

    My meds are supposed to be stored between 67F and 77F and my apartment has been routinely getting to around 85F for days (and weeks) at a time and by the time I was getting close to the bottom of the bottle it wasn't really working that well for me.

    So I took one of those can fridges and added some temperature control to it to automatically keep it in the temperature range I need and also added a large bag of dessicant in there to keep the humidity low as those little can fridges suck up moisture something fierce.

    So basically make sure your meds are stored properly or you'll probably have some additional issues that you really don't need.


    This was right by my apartment a few years ago and has been living rent free in my head ever since.

    If anyone wants a vertical 16x9 version Here's a link


    Honestly when I'm out solo hiking deep in the woods that's where it happens the most for me.

    It's bliss when I can lay there with silence in my mind while watching clouds float by.

    I really need to go hiking again.


    That's what I get for not checking my vat before starting a print right after another one.

    Edit: For those that don't know there's supposed to be a nice little screen sized rectangle visible without the fancy looking lowercase "t" pattern.

    The screen is broken and needs replacement. So does the FEP as it didn't fair too well either but I already have a few on hand just in case things go sideways.

    Edit 2: For anyone who's curious the whole process took me 2 hours to complete. I went in blind and it's good as new if not better. Honestly it's working hella good to the point where I actually had to lower my exposure time because my stuff was now getting overexposed. It's amazing what a new FEP and LCD will do.
