Sims 4 devs assemble team to focus on fixing bugs and upping performance
Sims 4 devs assemble team to focus on fixing bugs and upping performance

Starting with fixes for summoning a cheese toastie, among others, later this month.

Sims 4 devs assemble team to focus on fixing bugs and upping performance
Starting with fixes for summoning a cheese toastie, among others, later this month.
Sims 4 released in 2014. They had plenty of time to address bugs in-between the millions of stupid updates, but they didn't bother. Who honestly expects any real work from these guys at this point?
It's funny how as soon as two competing projects (Life By You and Paralives) start to get closer to release they suddenly care about improving stuff they've ignored for 10 years lol
Especially since Paradox already destroyed SimCity and is publishing Life by You.
If I'm given a choice between some fixes and no fixes, I'll take some. You know they'll dump the code like a hot potato once Sims 5 starts rolling out micro expansions.
I think the real news is that they are no longer making new content cause the new mainline game is now all hands on deck with whoever's leftover just working on minor updates for 4 now
I don't even know how I feel about this. On the one hand, it's great we're moving away from 4 which was always a shitshow to begin with, on the other hand I have no faith whatsoever 5 is going to be even on par with 4.
Where did you see that they are no longer making new content for Sims 4? The article doesn't seem to say so and the last I heard they planned to release content for Sims 4 alongside Sims 5. FYI, I would prefer they stop with Sims 4 content.
All I want is someone to make an open world Sims 3 like game with 64-bit support and better multicore support. Can't wait to see if Paralives and Life by You will deliver
Sims 3, with all its faults, is the golden age. Long live the mods.
Sims 3 was best, no? I feel like it was the full package and mostly complete right out of the box. Didn’t have the same feeling in 4 at all. Been some years since I tried 4, but when it launched I remember going back to 3 almost immediately after a couple weeks.
I did the same thing. It may have been because there weren't as many dlcs and expansions, but it just felt really dull. Plus it didn't have the completely open world like 3 did. Sitting through all those loading screens every time you wanted to go somewhere was a pain.
2 was by far the most polished, but 3 had more features so I guess ideal lies somewhere in the middle
I tried playing Sims 3 again recently and holy hell is the performance bad. Like the FPS is running at whatever I cap it at but there are constant freezes and stuttering with no FPS drops even with all the recommended performance mods. I then remembered I stopped playing for that very reason ages ago and now my desktop is like 100x more powerful.
...Aren't they a bit late?
I mean, better late than never.
They didn't need to announce this. They could just fix the bugs and players would start noticing that a bunch of bugs were getting fixed.
They could have done nothing and been okay because Paradox apparently put their competitor Sims game on indefinite hold so we're still stuck with just EA's bullshit instead of having a choice of which life sim with an outrageous amount of paid for DLC we want to play.
I had not heard about Life By You being on hold. That's frustrating. Paradox games go nuts with DLC too, but some competition is better than none.
But how can they publicly pat themselves on the back for it!?
A bit too late honestly…
about a decade too late
For a game that’s been out for nearly ten years, I’m not expecting over much in the way of actual work from this team. It would be nice as I do miss playing the Sims 4. I suppose this is only happening to reach a larger audience since the move of making The Sims 4 free to play and the packs their cash cow. Which most users have been happily buying despite these packs being glitchy and broken on launch, and for most of their existence.