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Fuck Cars

Dr. Doom really said "fuck cars"

Fuck Cars
Lettuce eat lettuce

"Intelligent" Car Infrastructure

Fuck Cars

Now playing in Canada

Fuck Cars

American grocery shopping.

Honestly, it just feels like a matter of time before we're gonna see tractor sized vehicles around in cities and people are still gonna say they NEED them for groceries. Yet when I actually visited America and we went grocery shopping with a pickup the size of my room back home, I got the experience of having shopping bags on my lap in the passage seat for the first time ever. Like where else you gonna put it? The trunk? The back seats??? Oh you jokester! There's like legit no space inside these things.

Fuck Cars

Thanks for that recommendation, YouTube!

Fuck Cars

reason for bike commuting

Fuck Cars


Fuck Cars

Car brains, citing vague "freedom of movement," often say that it should be OK to run over protesters on highways. In turn, it should be legal to set fire to cars parked in bike lanes.

Fuck Cars

I'm constantly dodging lesbian orgies whenever I try to find a seat in an Amtrak

Fuck Cars

Driving license

Fuck Cars

I don't park on the road with the plebs

Fuck Cars

Nuance? What Nuance?

Thought about comparing different modes of transport, but realized it would be way too subjective. For example, if 5 km are in biking range is dependent on biking infrastructure, available public transport, how in shape you are...

But then I realized I can just simplify all these things away to get the optimal transportation flowchart. Simple is always better, right?

Fuck Cars

I thought a cycling meme would work best here, oddly.

Fuck Cars

Part of my ongoing efforts to rebrand urbanist ideas as patriotic and pro-freedom (which they unironically are)

Fuck Cars

Part of my ongoing efforts to rebrand bicycles as the ultimate freedom vehicle (which they unironically are)

Fuck Cars

WOKE transit vs PATRIOT transit

Me doing my part to portray car dependency as deeply unpatriotic. Which it kinda unironically is.

Fuck Cars

You will buy the oil and be happy

Fuck Cars

Solutions to car dependency

Fuck Cars

Lawns and car storage — name a more wasteful use of land

Fuck Cars

Guidlines for Posting

In the absence of a flair system on lemmy yet, let's try to make it easier to scan through posts by type in here by using tags:

  • [meta] for discussions/suggestions about this community itself
  • [article] for news articles
  • [blog] for any blog-style content
  • [video] for video resources
  • [academic] for academic studies and sources
  • [discussion] for text post questions, rants, and/or discussions
  • [meme] for memes
  • [image] for any non-meme images
  • [misc] for anything that doesn't fall cleanly into any of the other categories

I have copied that idea from another community. I forgot which one so sorry!

Feel free to discuss that here, I would like that change because it makes it a lot easier