[meme] WOKE transit vs PATRIOT transit
[meme] WOKE transit vs PATRIOT transit

Me doing my part to portray car dependency as deeply unpatriotic. Which it kinda unironically is.
[meme] WOKE transit vs PATRIOT transit
Me doing my part to portray car dependency as deeply unpatriotic. Which it kinda unironically is.
Don’t forget that woke transit requires gasoline from FOREIGNERS to run, while patriot transit is powered by your US-grown ass.
Excellent point, brother. Always choose AMERICAN MUSCLE over COMMIE OIL.
I love this entire thread so much
Big fan of American muscle referring to thicc leg muscles instead of boomer cars.
Powered by all-american freedom fries
Not just foreigners, most likely Arabs from middle-east!
Bikes are the rides of libertarians.
No license
No registration
No taxes through gas
Just hard work and freedom!
Um........my city requires you to get a liscense for your bike.
What the fuck
Is there also a minimum age limit?
Which city? What license?
How exactly does this work? Where do you put the license plate? Do you have pictures?
Living the sovcit dream.
If it breaks you just fix it. No help needed (but plenty offered from libertarian socialists)
Truck: Most likely built with WOKE, FOREIGN COMMUNIST parts
Bike: Can literally be built from reclaimed BASED, AMERICAN wood and steel
Truck: Makes you FAT, WOKE AND LIBERAL
Bike: Makes you FIT and STRONG
Communist Arabs! 🤣 Change nothing. It'll drive them apeshit
ISIS uses pickup trucks. Do you want to support ISIS?
"Real heroes use bikes - do you?"
Before I upvote I would like to know which side these gentlemen were on.
Looks like they're on the right, assuming the image wasn't flipped.
I've heard that the name truckers have for these is "Pavement Princesses"
Well I call them cock compensators
Don't forget about this: A (WOKE!!!) truck requires fuel which is imported from some other (WOKE!) country, a bike just requires AMERICAN (HELL YEAH!) muscle power
What could be more American than moving around in an individual unregistered vehicle powered by a quarter pounder with cheese, an apple pie and a large diet coke?
It's a joke but also like a good way to convince people to change their mind is to appeal to shared group membership.
If you appeal to environmentalism, the right winger is going to reject it because that's out group nonsense.
If you appeal to American exceptionalism, like this, you can make more progress than you might expect.
YES. Exactly. These people are willingly low-IQ levels and they will do ANYTHING to own the libs— so the best thing we can do is PLAY them like the idiots they are.
It’s what the republicans do all the time
In seriousness, you'd think with how seemingly easily these anti-woke people are manipulated, it shouldn't be so hard to convince them of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
I suppose it can't be that easy or someone would've already tried it, but...
All you need to do is air an ad with some rainbows. F150 Dragster Queen, Butt-RAM, Mustang Barbie edition for adolescent boys...
They'll happily shoot and explode their cars like they did with their beers.
Kinda tempts me to photoshop a RAM PRIDE or FORD PRIDE ad for pride month
Canyonero!! (Old Simpson's reference.)
Is there already somewhere on Lemmy where people make stuff like this to post on TruthSocial and whatnot to mess with conservatives?
Now there's a good idea! Misinformation for good! Truthsocial and Twitter, of course.
Thing is tho, in most North American cities you're more likely to get splattered by some jackass in his toy F150 if you ride a bike. The North American city needs to be reformed and replanned before cycling can be mass adopted.
If you won't build it, they won't come.
If they don't come, we won't build it.
The usual catch 22.
I wouldn't say so. Existing infrastructure can be modified to create bike-friendly cities. But what happens most usually is city councils go for the cheapest option which is just painting a line a metre from the curb and calling it a bike lane. Not only is this the cheapest way, it's the least effective and most unsafe way. So when it inevitably fails, the city can go "Oops, oh well, I guess that didn't work" and never have to spend money on making better infrastructure again. The problem has never been the building or the ability to do so. It's always been a political one.
Ride with a rifle on your back. They may not see you but they'll sniff the gun out a mile away and give you a friendly wave as they drive by leaving plenty of room.
Bicycles are the best guerilla transportation. Virtually silent, all-terrain, cheap to build, easy to repair with swappable components and simple tools. If you have a lot of cargo you can strap it on and walk beside it and carry a lot more than you would by hand. No consumables required beyond the provisions that you already need. Easily hidden and has plausible deniability if discovered. Transportation doubles as PT, and it improves battlefield endurance.
We’ve got to emphasise how MANLY and FORD TOUGH them bikes are. WOKE LIBRLLZ drivin round in them there dainty comfy boxes while the REAL MEN do the hard word with MANPOWER
BIKES FER MURRICA !! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️✝️✝️
And when you think about it, what's more manly than consuming the flesh of other animals or plants to give you the strength and energy to use your own muscular power to move around, exposed to the elements. That or sitting in a two ton air conditioned metal box that moves at the push of a button.
Use your own muscles like a manly macho man, only wimpy soyboys let the machine do all the work 😎💪🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸
just a frame, a chain,
two wheels, and grease
Where helmet
Too woke
Instead of repeating the 4 things on the bike side 4 times, I would separate each as its own counter to the car stuff
just a frame, a chain,
two wheels, and grease
just a frame, a chain,
two wheels, and grease
Bikes are British. Make America Great Britain again!
This issue really shouldn't be politicized, I mean there isn't even anything inherently political about it. It's all just marketing.
It's been "politicized" pretty much since affordable cars were a thing.
I'd argue that poltics even played a role in letting the original rich car owners claim the street as theirs which paved the way to make cars common and affordable.
Lemme know when you see a lifted truck rolling coal while flying a biden flag.
Everything is political.
These points are all moot if you carry a smartphone on you. Just sayin'
Love my AC luxury seat smartphone
Also, where do I get a Welfare Queen smartphone?
"woke" as an insult
And that's all you need to know about ableist, car-hating, libertarian assholes.