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Snapchat is going to put ads next to messages from your friends
  • Somebody asked where they could find me on social media the other day and my response was "strange places using fake names". Eventually turned into me trying to pitch the fediverse but it kinda landed in much the way birds don't.

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    The more you know
  • I would hate to try to do it but I imagine the horn does wear out eventually. I myself have maybe used the 'start a fight with strangers' button on my car a dozen times in my life, so no personal experience. If I still talked to my sister I could ask her, she drives like it's GTA:Nebraska and expects everyone else on the road to do the same.

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    Nebraska Reverts to 19th-Century Voting Restrictions, Clouding Rights for Thousands
  • To me what's most frustrating/disturbing isn't that they think they can rewrite laws, people think they can cure diseases with rocks, but that in a lot of ways they effectively can.

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    1 in 10 Minors Say Their Friends Use AI to Generate Nudes of Other Kids, Survey Finds
  • See but us preteen 4channers make up a minority of the population. My little clan of nerds in a midwestern high school was easily less than 10% of the students.

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    Liminal Conference
  • I've done robotics competitions, reptile conventions, a wedding, and new hire orientations in this room. All in different places, I might add.

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  • These are also people who claim the constitution was violated when they got a temp ban for threatening to assassinate politicians so we aren't exactly talking about legal experts here.

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    Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • I spent a significant portion of a train trip sick in the bathroom once and I think I'd just repeat that....

    EDIT: You think I could manage to get a handy if I pick 9?

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    How's it going?
  • Most days alternate between 5 and 7 depending on my drug use that day. Today's more a 7, tempted to make it a 5 though.

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  • I've gotten in several arguments with morons over those posts, there does seem to be some section of the population that just can't comprehend that the 20 page document that you agreed to when you made the account is legally binding.

  • The apartment complex finally got around to assembling the picnic tables they've had in storage for years. We moved one to what we lovingly now refer to as the back porch and furball loves it.


    The security badge is a joke, he's a teddy bear.
