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[DISCUSSION] Techniques That Changed Something For You
  • Same here - I’d always used non-stick but since COViD I completely switched over to stainless/cast iron/carbon steel and it taught me a lot about cooking

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    [DISCUSSION] Techniques That Changed Something For You
  • Yeah, pasta water has been a game changer for me for the last couple years. I had never known it before but it’s kind of irrelevant for marinara sauce. Now I’ve switched from always marinara to never. I prefer pesto, and the pasta water turns it nicely creamy. My teen prefers a lemon butter garlic sauce, which also does really well with pasta water.

    Now if only I can remember to save some pasta water more reliably

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    Why are there so many streaming services?
  • The big difference is no contracts (yet), and easy cancellation. I’m more annoyed at the fragmentation than the price, and I’m more willing to pay the exorbitant price because I limit it to two services at any given time

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • While there’s not enough context here, they do need to get used to it. Of course, help a student out in the current situation but the fact is they are going to experience sexism and do need to figure out how to handle it on their own or how to find any help they need.

    I don’t like denigrating my fellow software engineers, but it’s a field known to be male dominated, with a stereotype of poor social skills and presence of a lot of people from more conservative cultures. I like to think most of us are neither sexist most racist but odds are most women in the field will run into it

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    Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds
  • And I don’t understand that, because my wimpy electric vehicle will leave your archaic, noisy, pollution belching vehicle in the dust, and will do so in effortless silence

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    Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • Especially with an EV. They’ll say the noise == power, and I’ll be amused as my EV silently and effortlessly leaves them behind.

    To me the silence is a big part of it, not just all the low end torque. The silence makes it seem effortless

    While I do appreciate the engineering required, the hundreds of moving parts, the exotic alloys and precision machining to have all the parts clattering and clanking to move a car forward ….. in the same way I appreciate the engineering of steam engines. Lesly’s get this legacy engineering in the museums and steampunk festivals where it belongs

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    Vance Describes Plan to End Ukraine War That Sounds a Lot Like Putin’s
  • There is a point to think about though …. I’m all for supplying Ukraine with as much help as they want, both now and rebuilding, but it’s their country getting destroyed, their people getting maimed and killed. And they don’t have an endless supply. I don’t know a way out of the current mess, but it can’t just continue like this

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Sure but the point remains that it’s not in the corps best interest to be too forthcoming with their reasons. It doesn’t benefit them, and can only hurt them

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    Florida department of health posts updated COVID-19 booster guidance that is just a list of anti-vax conspiracies
  • Yes, there is no issue getting both at once, and it’s probably useless to try to time each for peak effectiveness. Nevertheless, I believe peak effectiveness for flu shot is about a month earlier than peak effectiveness for COViD

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    When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking?
  • Yeah, and I’m fine with that short term. But only if it’s very short term and only if we use it as a brief reprieve to build out renewable energy faster than otherwise. That seems unlikely

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    Why would someone desire a pension instead of a 401k?
  • Pension funds are multi-billion dollar funds, so they can afford their own brokers to directly buy a whole company in one-shot, with no repeat business.

    They’re not usually run this way. Generally pension funds are the same as your 401k, but on a bigger scale. They also usually focus more attention n managing risk and expenses….. I used to work for a company that did exactly this for some insane number of hundreds of billions of dollars

    You might invest part of your 401k in a public shared sp500 index fund, a pension plan might invest part of its money in a private sp500 index plan managed solely for them, usually with lower fees

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    Do you have trouble explaining your job to people?
  • As DevOps , I whisper to a room full of computers to do what you told them plus do what some others tell you to break what you did, then run a big hammer over it, and hand all the pieces back to you

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    Do you have trouble explaining your job to people?
  • Huh, I came to say pretty much the same thing. I’m DevOps, more or less, by I tell people I’m a programmer since that’s what I do

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    It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
  • It’s any lithium battery, not just one evil villain. At least you’re not recharging your car inside the living space of your house, like your computer or phone or e-bike or e-scooter or vacuum cleaner

    Personally I think there’s a market for a fire proof container for charging batteries. I’ve been thinking about stacking cinder blocks in my basement for charging yardcare and tool batteries such that they couldn’t catch anything just in case

  • I just got back from a 1,200+ mile road trip and Superchargers, especially with the trip planning, made it easy!

    However non-Tesla chargers seem to be more common in Connecticut. I went to try one and discovered I don’t have as complete a set of adapters as I thought. What if I need to charge at a CCS charger?

    I looked online and the price range is huge. I see a $64 and one close to $300, and several in between. Do you know what the difference is or what I should be looking for? Is there one you’d recommend? Is it even worth it, since Superchargers are everywhere, plus I charge at home, and CCS is likely to go away in a couple years?


    I just got back from my first real road trip in an EV: over 1,200 miles in nine days! I stayed with my brother most of it, but did not even ask to plug-in. I saw many destination chargers, but filtered them out.

    I charged only at Tesla superchargers. There was always one close to on my way, and I never felt too delayed. My first charging stop was at the Meadowlands, which is apparently a huge mall when they’re not playing football. It was a huge surprise to see the pop up to continue the trip before we were able to find the food court. I did follow the pattern from trip planning, to charge up frequently for short periods of 10-20 minutes, rather than wait for a full charge, and it worked very well. Basically each stop was to grab a soda, maybe use the bathroom, and go, and I always had a couple hundred miles of charge available

    There was only one spot where I was worried. After sitting in traffic over an hour with the AC running, I was getting worried about reaching the planned supercharger. I exited to try a different brand, but discovered I didn’t have that adapter. Oops. However in the end, we did make the planned stop with a decent amount of charge left, despite the traffic delay and a couple detours

    The final leg of the trip was 350 miles through mostly rural are with fewer super chargers. Trip planner recommended 2 quick charging stops, but by the time we ate lunch, the first stop was more than sufficient. Even in this rural area, supercharging wasn’t inconvenient!

    No more range anxiety here it, it worked very well …… although admittedly in urban areas in the northeast where superchargers are fairly common. Still, destination chargers were common and I could have plugged in at my brothers.


    A few years back at Fenway Park watching the Boston Red Sox

    I think this was the game where I was carded and didn’t have my license to prove I’m old enough to drink. Lol, found one of the guys literally half my age to buy beer for me. I guess thanks for the entertainment at stupid adherence to paperwork despite greyed haired reality staring in disbelief



    Finally able to turn off the heat, sitting out on the deck.’c “Shipping off to Boston” with the dog, listening to the Dropkick Murphies with an adult “lemonade”. SUMMMERTIME!!!!

    Ok, not so scenic, especially since I didn’t include the dog, but let’s see you do better. Please. Let’s see beer in the Alps and places more scenic than my deck


    I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

    Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw



    Yesterday at the grocery store, someone keyed my new car. It’s not like I could have done anything to annoy someone, since there wasn’t anyone parking in the next spot when I pulled in, and I was almost perfectly centered in my spot

    I just got the car in November, and it’s that really nice new navy blue. Looks fantastic. And now it’s keyed. I hope it was at least an acciden somehow, because I’ve read too many articles online about people just wanting to see the world burn

    For anyone else who had to have the paint touched up, can I take it to a normal body shop? Or does it need something special? Where would I look?


    Insufficient tinting, but lens flair got the image at 95%


    I hope this is ok to post: cast iron adjacent and has not better home on Lemmy ….

    Seafood feast I made for the kids last night. That fried rice started as 2c dry rice and would have been tough to make without the space of this griddle top! Or maybe it’s just me, I can’t seem to make it without spreading out and making a mess

    It’s all an experiment

    • only the second time cooking tuna steak
    • only a few times trying to sear shrimp
    • fried rice - ok, hot sesame oil was new, gave it a nice kick without being hot

    Probably use it for a massive number of pancakes tomorrow

    So this is also a cry for help: what can I replace this with?

    • I’m getting an induction glass top, which doesn’t support griddles of any kind
    • I don’t want to go back to Teflon, that all stand-alone electric griddles seem to be
    • I don’t know how big to consider: during the week it’s just me and a skillet is sufficient, but kids do come home from college
    • I considered getting a Blackstone or similar, but the weather here is not friendly to outdoor cooking half the year

    Anyone have ideas what to look for in a stand-alone griddle that’s not Teflon, and is cast iron or cast iron adjacent?


    Can I just say, I’m really happy how successfully my kids appreciate a huge variety of foods, and I’ll pat myself on the back for part of it.

    We had a bit of a rough start with one kid allergic to everything and the other just not eating. Now they’re teenagers and not only know how to eat healthily, but enjoy a huge variety from many cuisines (and are almost at my level for hot sauce)

    Today one kid was home and he thoroughly enjoyed:

    • breakfast: cilbir
    • lunch: pupusas with avocado mash (and when I offered my hot sauce selection, he picked ghost pepper sauce!!!!)
    • dinner: tuna steak and halloumi over salad in a sesame dressing with nori

    At my house: dinner around the world!

    Edit: or maybe I need to rephrase …. As Americans with no other cultural heritage and whose families eat “American” food, my kid in one day had food inspired by Mediterranean cuisine, Central American, and Asian. Polished his plate and asked for more!


    I use extra virgin olive oil for some cooking - where taste matters, but never knew what to look for.

    Several years back, we did a taste test of brands and styles found in my grocery, and settled on one that was good, but they no longer stock it. Now I need to look for a new one but still have no idea what to look for, so what do you look for?

    I used “Philipo Berio” brand robusto. I don’t know if that’s considered good but it tastes good to me and has a reasonable price. My grocery still carries the brand but not robusto and the other styles don’t have as much flavor.

    Apparently robusto is not a thing, since no other brand uses that nomenclature, so what can I look for to find one with a strong flavor? How can I find a “good” brand without spending a lot? Is there a price sweet spot, like with wine?


    I can talk the talk, but this is really going to test that ……

    I live in a fairly walkable town outside one of the most walking and transit oriented cities in the US. I’ve always been a transit and walkable communities advocate.

    My town is centered on a train station/bus/taxi/scooter/bicycle hub and we have a traditional walkable “Main Street” with shops and restaurants that we pedestrianize for the summer. We have a new rail trail that will eventually connect to a statewide network, a riverwalk and even kayak rentals in the middle of downtown

    Higher density housing is centered on the downtown, dominated by 4-6 story apartment/condos, including residential over commercial. Works great. Surrounding that is a belt of 2-3 story multifamily houses, townhouses, and small apartments. I’m the first street zoned for single family, but I can still walk to the town center, and take the train into the nearby major city.

    I even spoke up in favor of new statewide zoning, requiring “as of right” zoning for large apartment buildings near transit …… maybe you see where this is going …..

    When I was out walking my dog this morning, I saw construction …. apparently there are a couple huge 6 story apartment buildings going in just a couple blocks away. It all seemed like a great idea until it was my neighborhood. It was a great idea when things were grouped by size. But now it’s a behemoth towering over three deckers and the like, and even looming near single family housing.

    I’ve “talked the talk” but really don’t know if I can “walk the walk”. This really seems excessive for the neighborhood.

    What do you think? Could you still support higher density housing when it means something twice the height going into your neighborhood, hundreds of tenants where now it’s 3-10 per building? What would you do when you get what you were asking for but it’s in your neighborhood and way out of scale?


    After all this online drama over something as silly as green bubbles, I just discovered their power. I had a brief power outage and apparently my cell provider had degraded service, so I had no data and text messages didn’t go through. Then I tried a green bubble conversation and it worked.

    SMS worked, when data and iMessage did not. So how can I do that on purpose? I don’t know if this is a normal occurrence but the next time I have degraded service with no data, does anyone know if there is a way to SMS to fellow iPhone users?


    So I’m enjoying exploring my new Model Y!!!

    However I noticed that driving at night on dark country roads, I invariably see a warning that my right pillar camera may be obstructed. This doesn’t happen in daytime, and granted the right pillar may not be able to see much in the dark. However I don’t see any obstructions and cleaning it doesn’t make a difference.

    So is this normal or a problem I need to have Tesla look at?


    The SkyConnect dongle was sold as Zigbee but with the promise of also supporting Thread. This is available in HA as experimental. Does anyone have experience with how stable it is? Is it close to ready?


    I’m going through the process to buy a new vehicle, and see pluses and minuses with Tesla’s online process. Yes it’s very simple and fast but it also gives very little info about what to expect and when.

    So, coming down to the exciting part ….. I just got notified to schedule delivery. However “delivery” is apparently pickup, in a town 20 miles away, just like legacy car sales. However they only give me a choice of two days, weekdays only, and only during the day. That makes it tough to get someone to drive my old car back

    Schedule pickup is not giving me any other choices. Does anyone know a way to do that on a weekend or evening or a closer showroom?

    Edit: worked it out. While I loved the smoother, abbreviated purchasing process, I was frustrated at never knowing what was going on or what would happen next. I really wish they provided more info on how it all worked for those of us who worry when we don’t understand the details


    In the US a decade or two ago, we enacted regulations to increase the efficiency of passenger vehicles. However larger vehicles typically needed for commercial and farming uses were exempt. Now we see the results of that as reverse incentive, where trucks became more common, even for simple commuting

    Will the same happen with BEVs, a reverse incentive that increases the use of trucks?

    I just read an opinion piece (lost just as quickly, sorry) that discussed issues with sales of EV pickups at GM and Ford. They made a compelling argument that EVs still have weaknesses as work trucks and point to the success of Rivian as a recreational truck. Certainly arguments against EV pickups do center on those weaknesses, even for scenarios where it wouldn’t apply (how many truck owners actually tow regularly?). So, as BEVs rapidly take over the car and crossover markets, and the holdouts have fewer choices of ICE cars, will they increasingly turn to trucks?


    Is there a difference, and what?

    I’ve been reading about the “15 minute city” idea, and it is both fascinating and brings back good memories. I’ve lived in a few neighborhoods of Boston, where my biggest use of a car is finding some place to stash one long term. I had all my daily needs in a short walk, as was a subway station. Combine that with a monthly pass and the freedom to go anywhere was fantastic. I know people in NYC with similar experiences, including several who never had a reason to learn to drive. My oldest is at college and on experiencing campus life, commented similarly. I hope y’all get to experience this some day

    However the Boston area has focussed on” transit oriented development “ for the last few decades. They use zoning and other development tools to encourage mixed neighborhoods with more housing, more retail, and even more office space focussed on transit hubs. It’s not just a train station but each is a “hub”, centering other options including bus routes, taxis, trails, cycling, and other personal transportation. This is a lot of what makes a “15 minute city” possible. Now we’re extending it to Eastern Massachusetts, where any town convenient to transit needs to have similar zoning actively supporting transit oriented development.

    These two concepts seem very similar, except for the special case of college campuses. What’s the difference, or is it just evolving terminology? Which is better? Are there strengths of one approach that need more attention in the other?


    Has anyone else seen problems using a portable charger (USB-A) with their new phone?

    I plugged the phone into my portable charger and saw all four status LEDs, indicating the charger saw the phone and had a full charge available. However my phone never started charging, and the status lights on the charger eventually went off as it gave up.

    At first I thought it was the new cables, but I used the same cable with an old Apple charger, no problem. Unfortunately I don’t have another usb-c device I can try with that cable and portable charger.

    The portable charger charges older (Lightning) phones, so that is not the problem.

    So all three of my new iPhone, portable charger, and new cable work in other scenarios but not this specific combination.

    Edit to add: rebooting worked. Thanks


    Now that we see the iPhone 15 with the new usb-c port, what’s your first impression?


    For me it’s not too big a deal, functionally identical. I have the pro, so could use high speed data, but I never have used the charging cable for data and am not likely to start now. I appreciate faster charging but realistically charge overnight, so no change

    I understand and support the goal of one set of chargers and cables for everything, but in the immediate term, it does mean buying new cables and chargers, and it means all the existing ones going to waste.

    -- so far, I’ve had to buy two cables, a charger, and two new power strips with USB-C, and there will be more to come

    -- My teens still have Lightning iPhones and they’re hard on cables, so my old cables won’t go to waste.

    -- admittedly, I’m trying to jump past the next transition by moving to usb-c chargers somewhat rather than buy new usb-a to usb-c cables for old chargers

    -- I bought a usb-c watch cable but am not counting that because it was a replace t for a damaged usb-a Watch cable

    -- I’ll still need charging cables for my car, and my laptop bag, and I’m sure additional charging block or two


    How to build fire protective battery charger enclosure?

    In the last couple of years, I replaced all my lawn care equipment with battery powered and it has worked fantastically. I’m sure there will soon be other large batteries that need to be charged.

    However I also note headlines about fires from cheap or damaged batteries. I don’t buy cheap and I do take care of my stuff so I’m not too worried but wonder if it would be worth building some sort of battery charging enclosure. Does anyone have any links, ideas or references?

    My first thought is I have an unfinished basement with concrete walls and floor so that should be fire resistant: could it be as simple as stacking cinder blocks or pavers? My second thought is that would make a great oven, so no. So is there something I can do for my chargers to protect my house from any chance of fire?
