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  • My ningen, what? I need some context to this; all I kinda remember is that shinzo abe was a Japanese official of some sort? PM or something?

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    Why doesn't Obama catch more flak for setting the stage for the kid-gloves treatment of Trump?
  • I mean if their intent was to ask a community that was explicitly international, it might be in good faith. That being said, I don't see any implication of that in their actual post, soo...

    For what it's worth, I personally find discussion about foreign politics interesting if it's something that I can learn from, but there's for sure an inundation (and normalization) of US politics on a lot of different social media platforms, and that gets old.

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    Democracy rule
  • I don't know whatever the fuck is happening here, but I need to know if this is a media reference so I can immediately binge it

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    Cordycep outbreak on aisle 2
  • So, are those galls due to infection, or are they something else? I know some species of insects will intentionally create galls on plants to store/feed larvae, too.

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    Why are maglev trains still rare?
  • What happened with that by the way? I'm assuming since I haven't seen huge headlines since, it's not been replicated or it's been proven to be a hoax

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    Remember me comrades!
  • hard agree. I think the only way we can improve our lives and the lives of those in our communities is to unflinchingly believe in the fact that we deserve better, and we can get better
