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Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • That's okay. If you view the journals as glorified blogs, I agree that they're unnecessary. They aren't and do more than that even though they're also doing a lot of bad stuff with sky high profit margins. If you're not open for changing your views, I don't see the point of discussing any more. Appreciate the back and forth, tho!

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    Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • If I understand you correctly: Yes, the article can have a typesetting like whatever you get out-of-the-box from Latex and that article can then be published anywhere. What is typically not allowed is to openly publish the article that have been typeset by the journal where you've sent in your article. This is probably what you mean by "preamble/theme"

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    Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • No, that's not what I said. You're right that journals, to some extent, also lends credibility to the publication, but it's not the source of credibility. What I said was that an article published in Nature will have many more views than an article published on a random WordPress blog.

    Again, saying that researchers "agree to have it that way" ignores the structural difficulty of changing the system by the individual. The ones who benefit the most from changing the system are also the ones most dependent on external funding - that is, young researchers. Publishing in low-impact journals (ones that has a small outreach such as most open-access journals) makes it much harder to apply for funding

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    Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • The typeset article is what you'd see if you download the .pdf from, e.g., Nature. See here.

    It's the manuscript with all the stuff that distinguishes an article from one journal to another (where is the abstract, what font type, is there a divider between some sections, etc.). Articles that have not been typeset yet can be seen from Arxiv, for example this one:

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    Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • There are several benefits, but compared to WordPress, I guess the biggest one is outreach: no one will actually see an article if it's published by a young researcher that hasn't made a name for themselves yet. It will also not be catalogued and will therefore be more difficult to find when searching for articles.

    Also, calling researchers "whipped" is a bit dismissive to the huge inertia there is in the realm of scientific publication. The scientific journal of Nature was founded in 1869, but general open-access publishing has only really taken off in the last decade or so.

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    Nature saying the quiet part out loud.
  • You will transfer the economic copyright to most journals upon publication of the typeset manuscript meaning that you're not allowed to publish that particular PDF anywhere. However, a lot of journals are okay with you publishing the pre-peer reviewed article or even sometimes the peer-reviewed, but NOT typeset article (sometimes called post-print article). Scientific publishing is weird :-)

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    Politiet har igen og igen sat stopper for nye hastighedsgrænser: Nu skal det være slut
  • Nej, det forstår jeg heller ikke. Er det fordi de mener, at de så kan dække mindre af byen per dag, fordi de i snit kører langsommere? Omvendt, så må det blive sikrere at køre udrykning, når alle andre kører langsommere

  • LLMs produce racist output when prompted in African American English

    Large language models exhibit racial prejudices on the basis of dialect.

    13 LLMs produce racist output when prompted in African American English

    Large language models exhibit racial prejudices on the basis of dialect.

    Is Sleep Training Harmful?
  • Plenty. If you scroll down, there's tens of research articles linked. You just have to click on the circles for most of the articles :-)

    Here's an excerpt from the bottom of the article':

    The most conclusive long-term study on sleep training to date is a 2012 randomized controlled trial on 326 infants, which found no difference on any measure—negative or positive—between children who were sleep trained and those who weren’t after a 5 year follow up. The study includes measurements of sleep patterns, behavior, cortisol levels, and, importantly, attachment.

  • Is Sleep Training Harmful?

    Misinformation and facts behind the internet’s most polarizing parenting debate.

    [Debat] Dagens citat...
  • Ja, jeg synes også den er svær for næsten alle løsninger virker til at ville ramme skævt. Skribenten har tidligere snakket om en løsning, hvor det er staten, der sidder signeringscertifikater, så trafikken er krypteret, men hvor de, med en dommerkendelse, kan få adgang til det hele. Men no way, at de kriminelle så kommer til at bruge de "officielle" løsninger og så er vi lige vidt

    Den er svær, men jeg kan mærke, at jeg selv er begyndt at bløde lidt op

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    [Debat] Dagens citat...
  • Fra artiklen:

    Nu er de lokale IT-liberalister og andre rigtige mænd i fuld gang med at trække i harnisk, fordi Justitsministeren har udtalt:

    Vi er nødt til at bryde med den totalt fejlagtige opfattelse af, at det er enhver mands frihedsrettighed at kommunikere på krypterede beskedtjenester, som bliver brugt til at facilitere mange forskellige alvorlige former for kriminalitet


    Til reference Artikel 8 [fra Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention] i sin helhed:

    Artikel 8 Ret til respekt for privatliv og familieliv

    1. Enhver har ret til respekt for sit privatliv og familieliv, sit hjem og sin korrespondance.
    2. Ingen offentlig myndighed kan gøre indgreb i udøvelsen af denne ret, undtagen for så vidt det sker i overensstemmelse med loven og er nødvendigt i et demokratisk samfund af hensyn til den nationale sikkerhed, den offentlige tryghed eller landets økonomiske velfærd, for at forebygge uro eller forbrydelse, for at beskytte sundheden eller sædeligheden eller for at beskytte andres ret og frihed.

    Uden at ty til målfoto tør jeg godt påstå at ministeren rammer indenfor skiven med sin kalibrerede udtalelses.

  • [Debat] Dagens citat... Dagens citat... | Version2

    Nu er de lokale IT-liberalister og andre rigtige mænd i fuld gang med at trække i harnisk, fordi Justitsministeren har udtalt: Vi er nødt til at bryde med den totalt fejlagtige opfattelse af, at det er enhver mands frihedsrettighed at kommunikere på krypterede beskedtjenester, som bliver brugt til a...

    FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
  • That's an interesting point. But maybe there are some compounds that can induce a state that fools people who've never tried psychoactive compounds? I've heard of studies using dehydrated water as a placebo for alcohol as it induces some of the same effects:

    Like ethanol, heavy water temporarily changes the relative density of cupula relative to the endolymph in the vestibular organ, causing positional nystagmus, illusions of bodily rotations, dizziness, and nausea. However, the direction of nystagmus is in the opposite direction of ethanol, since it is denser than water, not lighter.

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    FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
  • To a certain extent I agree, but I also think it's a tricky topic that deals a fair bit with the ethics of medicine. The Atlantic has a pretty good article with arguments for and against:

    Yes, in your three situations, I'd agree that option C is the best one. But you're disregarding a major component of any drug: side effects. Presumably ecstasy has some nonnegligible side effects so just looking at the improvement on the treated disease might now show the full picture

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    FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
  • I agree that it's a shame that it's so difficult to eliminate the placebo effect from psychoactive drugs. There's probably alternative ways of teasing out the effect, if any, from MDMA therapy, but human studies take a long time and, consequently, costs a lot of money. I'd imagine the researchers would love to do the studies, but doesn't have the resources for it

    I think the critique about conflicts of interest seems a bit misguided. It's not the scientists who doesn't want to move further with this. It's the FDA

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    FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?
  • But if they know they're getting ecstasy, the improvement might originate from placebo which means that they're not actually getting better from ecstasy. They're just getting better because they think they should be getting better

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    Løkke vil have os til at få flere børn - Konservativ profil [Mette Abildgaard] kalder det en 'tynd kop te'
  • Jeg er ikke så stærk på makroøkonomiske forhold, men måske det er for at sprede udgiften ud for begge parter. Det kan også være man vurderre, at familien selv bedst ved, hvor man skal lægge de ekstra penge i stedet for at det er staten, der skal vurdere det på et samfundsplan. Det er jo ikke kun udgifter til institutioner, der fylder noget hos en børnefamilie og derfor vil en større pose penge til institutioner ikke gavne alle

  • FDA rejects ecstasy as a therapy: what’s next for psychedelics?

    Following the US drug agency’s decision, Nature examines the outlook for other hallucinogens that are in clinical trials as psychiatric treatments.

    >But Marks points out that the FDA typically follows the advice of its independent advisory committees — and the one that evaluated MDMA in June overwhelmingly voted against approving the drug, citing problems with clinical trial design that the advisers felt made it difficult to determine the drug’s safety and efficacy. One concern was about the difficulty of conducting a true placebo-controlled study with a hallucinogen: around 90% of the participants in Lykos’s trials guessed correctly whether they had received the drug or a placebo, and the expectation that MDMA should have an effect might have coloured their perception of whether it treated their symptoms.

    >Another concern was about Lykos’s strategy of administering the drug alongside psychotherapy. Rick Doblin, founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the non-profit organization that created Lykos, has said that he thinks the drug’s effects are inseparable from guided therapy. MDMA is thought to help people with PTSD be more receptive and open to revisiting traumatic events with a therapist. But because the FDA doesn’t regulate psychotherapy, the agency and advisory panel struggled to evaluate this claim. “It was an attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole,” Marks says.

    23 Your microwave oven has its own microbiome

    Survey of bacteria living inside household and laboratory appliances finds a robust ecosystem.

    From the article: >But for the general public, the implications of the study are simpler. “A microwave is not a pure, pristine place,” Porcar says. It’s also not a pathogenic reservoir to be feared, he says. But he does recommend cleaning your kitchen microwave often — just as often as you would scrub your kitchen surfaces to eliminate potential bacteria.


    Google taber sag om monopol på onlinesøgning | Nyheder Google taber sag om monopol på onlinesøgning | Nyheder | DR

    Google har udnyttet sin dominans til at knuse konkurrenter og stoppe nyudvikling inden for onlinesøgning. Det har en amerikansk dommer afgjort, skriver nyhedsbureauet Reuters.

    4 How pregnancy transforms the brain to prepare it for parenthood

    It’s a transformational time long neglected by neuroscience. That is starting to change.

    6 »Ik’ i aften, skat. Jeg har hovedpine!« – Regelmæssig sex kobles til et længere liv blandt kvinder

    Da Mohombi i 2010 sang ‘I wanna boom-bang-bang with your body, oh’ var det – muligvis – med henblik på at forhindre tidlig død blandt kvinder.

    0 AI models fed AI-generated data quickly spew nonsense

    Researchers gave successive versions of a large language model information produced by previous generations of the AI — and observed rapid collapse.


    From the article:

    >As predicted, studies with younger cohorts and separating former and occasional drinkers from abstainers estimated similar mortality risk for low-volume drinkers (RR = 0.98, 95% CI [0.87, 1.11]) as abstainers. Studies not meeting these quality criteria estimated significantly lower risk for low-volume drinkers (RR = 0.84, [0.79, 0.89]). In exploratory analyses, studies controlling for smoking and/or socioeconomic status had significantly reduced mortality risks for low-volume drinkers. However, mean RR estimates for low-volume drinkers in nonsmoking cohorts were above 1.0 (RR = 1.16, [0.91, 1.41]).

    >Studies with life-time selection biases may create misleading positive health associations. These biases pervade the field of alcohol epidemiology and can confuse communications about health risks. Future research should investigate whether smoking status mediates, moderates, or confounds alcohol-mortality risk relationships.

    6 Nyt stort studie: Multivitaminer er ikke kilden til et længere liv

    Faktisk skal du passe på med vitaminpillerne. Der kan nemlig være risiko forbundet med et for stort indtag af vitaminer og mineraler, forklarer dansk forsker.

    Fra artiklen:

    >Forskerne bag det nye studie har sammenholdt resultaterne fra tre enorme amerikanske sundhedsundersøgelser. Undersøgelserne strækker sig over 20 år og inkluderer næsten 400.000 sunde amerikanere, der ikke havde alvorlige kroniske sygdomme.

    >I løbet af de 20 år døde cirka 165.000 af deltagerne. Studiet viser, at de, der tog multivitamin, ikke levede længere end dem, der ikke gjorde.

    >Men generelt anbefaler hun, at kosttilskud i form af mineraler og vitaminpiller tages i samråd med lægen.

    >»Man skal ikke bare tage kosttilskud, man skal gøre det, fordi man har behov for det.«

    Og direkte link til studiet:

    0 Københavns Universitet dropper omstridte investeringer

    Københavns Universitet stopper fra onsdag den 29. maj deres investeringer i firmaer med aktiviteter på Vestbredden.

    1 »Det er meget glædeligt«: For første gang i årtier ser en skatteminister på, om han vil pille ved momsen

    Fjern momsen på frugt og grønt, lyder opfordringen fra patientforeninger, butikker og sundhedseksperter. Skatteminister Jeppe Bruus har sat gang i en analyse af, hvad differentieret moms vil koste.

    7 Nature earns ire over lack of code availability for Google DeepMind protein folding paper

    via Nature A group of researchers is taking Nature to task for publishing a paper earlier this month about Google DeepMind’s protein folding prediction program without requiring the authors publish…


    Endnu en haj er blevet fundet på cykelsti i Vestjylland Endnu en haj er blevet fundet på cykelsti i Vestjylland | Nyheder | DR

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    9 Miljøministeriet anklages for magtfordrejning: Har hjulpet Cheminova med fortsat at kunne forurene Vesterhavet

    Ministeriet har regnet baglæns og bøjet reglerne for at hjælpe kemifabrik, konkluderer flere eksperter.


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    Datatilsynet har kortlagt omfattende brug af kunstig intelligens blandt offentlige myndigheder, men Skattestyrelsen vil i mange tilfælde ikke oplyse formål og navn på AI-systemerne. Her kan du se de systemer, som Datatilsynet har kigget på.


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    Skattestyrelsen leder efter ejerne af i alt 13,6 millioner kroner, som står i danske banker.
